Chapter 9
Estelle's POV
"So that's how we ended up Skyping you," I finished telling the long and adventurous story of how we ended up in a luxurious castle in the medieval time period. Jason scratched his newly dyed hair and looked at us with uncertainty.
"Okay..." he said. I groaned and threw the phone down onto the velvet bed sheets.
"I told you he wouldn't believe us," Ariel said jumped off the bed and began walking towards the double door leading to the hallway. She picked up her ankle length gown and walked as if she was a real Disney princess.
"Where are you going?" I picked the phone back up and showed Jason the angry girl storming towards the door.
"I'm going to go get my super hot boyfriend, Prince Eric," she replied nonchalantly, "Want me to get yours too?" She looked at me, looking completely serious. I would'ved laughed and said "Yea sure, go ahead and get my bae," but I knew she was serious.
"Yeah, get my boyfriend too," Ariel nodded and disappeared out into the hallway. After a brief moment of staring at the ornately decorated door, I realized two problems. First, super hot prince Eric isn't Ariel's boyfriend, heck, I don't even think the word "Boyfriend" was even invented at this time. Second, I'm not dating Prince super sexy Cole. I looked at Jason and saw the hurt in his eyes. My hands reached for my mouth, "Oh my gosh, Jason it's--"
"No, don't tell me," Jason said, anger instantly covered up his hurt, "I don't care. I don't care about your boyfriend, I don't care about your role playing with Ariel and these douches, and I don't CARE about you." the screen turned into a solid blue background.
The call has ended.
Part of me wanted to scream, throw my phone at the Mona Lica hanging on the wall, and call back the idiot who has the most capricious personality ever, and the yell at him for being such a man brat. The other part of me was just as hurt as he was. Jason had the biggest crush on me and everyone was aware of that, and I indiscreetly shoved a dagger into his already broken heart.
Ariel walked into the room followed by two very confused looking princes and two smirking women.
"I'm telling you, this girl is crazy!" Lillian twirled her hair and waved her pink fan in her hand in a totally disgusting way. Ariel rolled her eyes, not trying to hide her annoyance, and walked towards my bed.
"Uhm... Jason hung up," I said showing her the home screen of my IPhone. She grabbed it and cursed.
"Uhm, so this Jason guy hung himself, and apparently is the butt of an ass?" Rarity questioned, chuckling , clearly misunderstanding our statements, "You want Prince Eric, soon to be King Eric, to talk to a dead donkey? Hah, what a joke."
"S-T-F-U honey," Ariel snapped and returned the phone to me. "Why did he hang up?" Ariel asked, not caring that the royalties were looking at her like shes grown five ears.
"Something I said," Cole and Eric looked at us, then at each other. I wouldn't be surprised if they threw us out of their castle at this very moment, realizing they have two psycho aliens from a different time sleeping in their most lavishly decorated bedroom.
"Hes such an ass!" Ariel cursed, making the sick excuse for princess giggle and snort.
"Making a big fuss over a Equus," Lillian rolled her eyes, batting her lashes, "If you want to talk to a donkey so badly, there are plenty down in the stable. You can stay there for the night, don't worry, you'll fit right in."
"Hey, I think you should go," Eric turned around and looked at the shocked girls straight in the eyes. Lillian's hand reached for her chest like she had been shot with an arrow, but judging from the grim look on Prince Eric's face, it mightve been a bazooka that he shot.
"Yeah, you should go," Cole echoed.
Lillian's sudden shock changed back to her natural facial expression, gentility. Although Ariel and I both knew she was all plastic, she pulled it off pretty well. "As your future fiance, I refuse to be spoken to with such disrespect!"
"I am a Princess, no, THE princess! How dare you speak to me with such hideous words for plebeians like these two," Rarity gestured to us. Ariel and I shrugged and smiled, both knowing how peasant like we are; we were definitely not going to deny it.
"Perhaps you will not be my fiance," Eric stepped forward, now only a foot away from Lillian. Her eyes teared up and then shot her head up with audacity, eyelocking with the prince.
"You have stigmatized your kingdom, young prince," Lillian sneered, then racing out the room. Her sob echoed down the empty corridor. I would've laughed at this moment but I realized this wasn't some TV show on ABC family, this was real.
"As for you," Cole looked at the shell shocked Rarity, her mouth hung ajar, "Are you going to apologize, or go back home and henceforth no longer have any communication to the highest ranked kingdom in all over England?"
Rarity laughed, "I would rather go back to that dump of a castle and live the rest of my life in solitary then to live with the kinds of you." she spitted. She stalked towards the door, then turned her head just before she was completely out of the door, "Tie knots with these vile girls and I will declare WAR."

FantasyA beautiful story of random stuff between two best friends and a couple idiot dudes.