Chapter 3
Estelle's POV
I blink my eyes a couple of times but all I could see was fuzz. Everything around looks as if I didn't have my contacts in. After a few moments, my eyes finally adjusted to the scenery around me and I gasped.
"Woah," I said in awe. I was laying on my stomach with a heavy weight on my back. My eyes scanned around the enchanting forest, picking up its glowing flowers hanging on the tree vines, the majestic mist that seemed to go on forever, and the beautiful crescent moon along with the twinkling stars that highlighted the night sky.
"Woah is correct," I heard a familiar voice from behind. I looked over my shoulder to find Ariel sitting straight up on my lower back. "It's beautiful."
"Yea," I replied, pushing her off my back. She fell over to the cold dirt underneath of her. "Where are we?" I asked, "And what are YOU WEARING?!" Ariel got up to her feet, a shimmering mint green gown down to her feet. I screamed in excitement, "Holy cheese balls you look like a fairy tale princess!"
She returned my scream with hers, while she jumped up and down twirling around in her flowing dress. "Oh my goodness Estelle!" She squealed point at me with a wide grin on her face. "You look like a tumblr princess!"
I looked down at my clothing, expecting my dark wash jeans and One Direction T-shirt , but I was greeted with a creamy peach gown with ruffles. I screamed so loud in excitement, I felt the bottom of my throat pop.
"Slap me cause I'm dreaming!" my hoarse voice sounded like I was a dying cat. Ariel's hands slapped me across my left cheek, and the heat became to form.
"Oww!" I rubbed my burning cheek, "Holy fuck that hurt!" I was shocked that I didn't wake up from the dream but also ecstatic that I can still live in this fairy tale world for a while longer. I continued to rub my cheek, hoping the burning sensation would decrease but only continued.
Ariel's red hair was curled perfectly, falling all the way down to her back. She looked like a real princess. I remember when we use to play princess when we were little, she looked just like she did when she was six years old.
"Shh, do you hear that?" Ariel suddenly said. Her shiver eyes went wide, scanning around the forest.
"Hear what?" I whispered to her. All I heard was the cricket's soothing tune and the clicker clacker of hooves. "Wait, is that the sound of--"
"Hooves," she looked over to our right, "Someone's coming." The pounding of the hooves became louder and louder and suddenly there was a voice.
"Is anyone there?" A male voice called. His accent was thick, like a heavy British accent.
"Ahh," I silently screamed, "what do we do?" panic rushed through every inch of my body.
"Hide!" Ariel exclaimed. She picked up her gown and ran over to behind a large tree with ease. I began to follow her, picking up my gown in the process, but the clumsy person I am, I tripped and fell to the ground.
"Are you kidding me," I heard Ariel whisper/shout, "Hurry up or we'll get caught by whoever that is!" I groaned and pulled off the two silver heels on my feet and held it in my hand. I ran behind the tree, barefoot, just in time before the figure came into sight.
The silhouette of the horse and the man was large and it moved up in down like it was out of breathe. "Show yourself." the man called. He jumped off his horse, and walk over to the area we stood before, his face finally light by the moonlight. I gasp at his stunning complexion, and I felt Ariel's hand smack over my lip.
"Shh," she hushed. The tall figure had brown hair, and a pair of blue eyes. A golden crown sat on top of his fluffy hair and his smile seemed to stop the world around me.
"Is everything alright over there Prince Eric?" Another voice called. I look over at Ariel, the same confused expression I had was printed on her face.
She mouthed to me, "Prince?"
"Everything's fine Cole," Eric replied, then looked over to the ground a couple yards in front of us, his eyes locked on an twinkling object on the floor. "Hey Cole, come over here." he cocked an eye brow, "Look at this."
I gasped and looked down at my hand, afraid of what I might see. In my hand was one gilded heel, and my eyes raked over to the other pair laying on the palm of Eric's hand.
Ariel smacked me upside the head, "Seriously?!" She whispered.
"Sorry," I mouthed back.
"Is that a heel?" Another voice said. I looked back over, my eyes locked on another boy with curly brown hair. He looked just as stunning as the first boy, just as tall, just as buff, and just as breathtaking.
"Yea," Jason replied tossing it around his hand.
"Bro, why are you touching that," the boy that must be Cole said with a disgust look on his face, "That's nasty! Who knows how long that shoe's been here. What if a deer peed on it or something man?"
Eric laughed and tossed it to Cole. Cole let out a feminine scream and bounced it around in his hand like it was a hot potato, "Ew ew gross!" He exclaimed, then tossed the shoe back at Eric.
At that point, I was felt steam blow out of my nose. How dare they diss my sexy shoe like that!
"You two hooligans!" I stormed out from behind the tree over to the two boys, "Give me my shoe back!" I heard Ariel groan behind me, then timidly followed me out from behind the tree. "I bet this shoe cost more then your dear life so hand it back to me! Peed on by a deer or not!"
The two boys looked at each other, unsure of what to say. When Ariel and I got close enough to them, I realized how much bigger they actually are. Both of them stood a foot taller then us, and their arms made ours look like toothpicks.
"Sorry my lady," Cole bowed his head down to me, and grabbed the shoe out of Eric's hand. He placed the shoe in his palm, expecting my foot could slip in.
"This isn't Cinderella, you big rock, I can put on my shoe myself." I grabbed the shoe out of Cole's hand and slid it onto my feet. Both Cole and Eric looked stunned.
"What's up with her?" Eric asked Ariel like I wasn't standing right there next to him.
"Oh uhh.." She scratched the back of her head, "Just hungry that's all."
"Alright," Eric gave both of us a cheeky smile, "We can go back to the castle and get you ladies some food?"
"Yes, that would be great," Ariel said politely, "Thank you." She gave his a nice courtesy bow, and I realized how unprincess like I was.
"Alright lets go," Eric took out his hand, and Ariel placed hers in his. "Lets get going."
~Yinyin <3 Donee
Edited :D ~Kryssy

FantasyA beautiful story of random stuff between two best friends and a couple idiot dudes.