Chapter 5
Estelle's POV
"That was beautiful," Eric clapped his hands, "I didn't know you guys played the fiddle and viola."
"Well, we DID only meet you what," I tapped my chin, "A couple of hours ago? By the way, those tacos for dinner were delicious." I thought back to the eight tacos I shoved down my throat along with the disgusting vanilla cake.
"Tacos?" Cole looked just as confused as he did earlier with the "suck it", "What are tacos?"
"Those things we had for dinner." Ariel put her viola away and stood next to me.
"The roast beef corn cracker elevators?" Eric informed us proudly, "My father invented the meal after returning from France a couple of years ago."
"I didn't know tacos were a french cuisine." I whispered to Ariel.
"Lets not forget the part that they call them elevators," she replied back.
"Say," Eric stood up straight and placed a hand behind his back like a real gentlemen, "Prince Cole and myself found you two ladies in the middle of the Enchanting Forest. Where are you two from?"
Both Ariel and I were unsure of how to answer that question. Moments of silence later, Ariel spoke up, "Well we came from a place called Walmart, and we somehow ended up in the forest. We're not sure how to get back or when we'll get back."
Eric placed a hand on his left chest and formed a puppy eye expression, "That's really must miss home dearly!" He pulled Ariel in for a hug, and I saw her face turn bright red. "You two are welcomed to stay at the Royal Kingdom until you find a way home."
"Do you two royalties always welcome random girls you don't even know into your castle?" I snickered at Ariel and Eric, who were still hugging like love birds.
"No, only on Fridays," Cole smirked, "We get a little crazy after a long week of Forks and Spoons classes."
"Oh," I replied as nonchalantly possible. What were Fork and Spoon classes?
The ballroom was empty except for the four of us. It felt strange that none of their maids and butlers were in sight. I would think they're everywhere since their palace was so big.
After a moment of just staring into each others eyes, like some love story, a loud voice echoed down the room. "ERIC BABY? ARE YOU IN HERE?"
All four of us jumped, startled by the voice. Another voice blared, "COLE SWEETHEART? ARE YOU PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK WITH ME AGAIN?"
"We're in here my angels," Eric rubbed his forehead looking frustrated. As soon as the large double doors were open, Eric and Cole straighten up their backs and a charming smile formed on their faces.
"Baby, I am starving! We should go grab some grub yahhnoo," A blonde hair girl in a large puffy pink gown said. She had a beautiful complexion, but her snobby voice ruined it. She ran over to Eric and leaned herself against him. She fanned her large feathery fan over herself and her eyes fluttered shut. "We should go to McDarrold's royal steakhouse tonight."
"Sorry dear, I ate dinner already with these fine ladies," Eric gestured to Ariel and me with a nervous smile. She looked at us like we were pests.
"Oh," was all she said.
"Cole babe, we should head to our room," another voice came behind us. A girl with curly brown hair walked over to us. Her gown was a replica to the other girl's but was orange. Her heels clicked louder on the ground as she walked closer and closer to us.
"Sure Rarity," Cole replied politely, "But Rarity I want you to meet these two girls we came across today. They will be staying with us for a bit." Rarity looked like a typical princess, with a nice smile, a nice figure and a nice sweet voice. Unlike her friend. "Rarity, meet Ariel and Estelle." he gestured to us, "Ariel and Estelle, meet Rarity and Lillian."
"A delight to meet you," Rarity gave us a graceful courtesy bow. Ariel and I both return her gesture with one of our own.
"Babe," Lilian still looked at us with a disgust expression, "You ate dinner with these two peasants? They aren't royal. They are just normal civilians you found on the street."
Ariel looked infuriated, her hands balled up into a fist. I knew her well enough to know that she had some things to say to this horrible excuse of a princess, but is holding it in. Being the quiet person that she is, she would never slap the dip shit out of anyone. Unless you really did something bad, and then you'll see the "Ariel Fury".
"No Lillian, dear," Eric reached down and held her hand, "I believe they are something special about these two. They must be sent from the angels themselves, they're definitely special."
Ariel's hand loosened up and a small smile curved on her lips. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, Prince Eric was still on our side.
"What if they were sent from the devil?" Lillian looked annoyed. Not making eye contact with any of us, she looked down at her nails like a typical snob.
"Lillian that is enough," Rarity said before any of us could say a word. "Lets show our guest to their rooms." She smiled, and arm locked with Cole.
"No," Eric interjected, "Cole and I can show the two girls to their room. Our future princesses may go to their room and we will join you very soon."
Rarity nodded then walked out of the room along with Lillian. They walked with superiority. They looked like the ideal princesses in any storybook. But unlike their striking posture and gorgeous features, their personalities were as wicked as a witch herself. Lillian's menace was as clear and conspicuous as Harry Styles walking down the streets of New York, but Rarity had something that I wasnt able to put a finger on. I'm pretter sure Ariel could sense it too.
After we walked down a corridor, we found ourselves looking at a door leading to who knows where. I waited for them to open the door and continue leading the way, but they stopped and grinned at Ariel and me.
"Open it." Eric encourages with a dazzling smile.
Slowly I followed his request and I was struck with the view of ocean. One corner of the wall was dedicated to four large windows and a doorway outside to a porch which then led strait to the white sand. Facing the windows were two full size beds with decorative pillows that must have costed more then my whole room back home. Above our heads was a chandleer with candles instead of light bulbs.
Oh yeah... we arn't in the modern world.
"Woah," both Ariel and I said in unison.
Done :3

FantasíaA beautiful story of random stuff between two best friends and a couple idiot dudes.