My Lighthouse

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We all need a lighthouse.

We get off of the path that we're supposed to take. We all accidentally hurt a friend, or disobey our parents. We all break God's commandments. Yup. I went there. We all break God's biggest rules! *Dramatic gasp!* If you think you don't, you're sadly mistaken. Sometimes, we exaggerate a story to make it seem more interesting.

We all hit rock bottom at some point. When Mrs. G died, for me. Maybe you lost a family member or close friend to cancer. Maybe you lost your dog, or your best friend moved away. I had three best friends move away, and even my longest best friend- we hardly talk any more. Sure, we've got a few classes together, but we're far apart in our seats, and she's more into fashion, and boys, while I'm more into books, and doing anything church related.

But, God's a lighthouse. He will be the light that shines on the path that we veered off of. He'll be the light in the darkness. I know that He'll always be my lighthouse.

John 1:5 says, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

Ephesians 5:8 says, "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light."

If you want some more on this, listen to My Lighthouse by Rend Collective.

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