Guilt and Worries

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These are two of the biggest problems I have in my life. I feel like we don' think about this enough, but when we have a relationship with God, there needs to be no guilt. Time for Admitting Something: I struggle with this a lot.

I constantly feel like I'm not worthy, or that the wrong things I've done will completely separate me from God, when in reality, all I need to do is begin to focus on him. It's been hard trying to understand that Guilt is just the devil trying to separate me from God. And once I realize it, it hurts.

God does not want us to feel guilty. That's why he sent his son! All of our sins are forgiven, and we just have to ask for that burden to be lifted off of our shoulders. Don't feel guilty because you haven't shared God's News to someone, go find an opportunity to do so! Don't feel bad because you've held a grudge, if the person's around, go try and work it out! If they're not, then just let it go. Maybe you'll bump into one another one day.

Hebrews 10:22 "Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water."

Worries. We might not even realize that we have them, but they're there. What happens if you fail that test? What happens if I don't do what my mom told me to do? What would happen if Jesus came today? Would I go to heaven, or would I not?

First off, if you've been baptized, and are now my brother or sister in Christ, then you are a Christian. You may stray, but you are still a Christian. If I am correct, you should go to heaven.

Second, sins weigh us down. They add weight to our shoulders that is unnecessary. By asking God to forgive us of our sins, we are made new. Lincoln Brewster once wrote a song called Made New, and part of it says, "Now I'm made new, because of you! You gold my head up!"

Yes, our sins are forgiven, but asking God to forgive us of our sins, we prove that we know we sin and feel genuinely put down by things you did.

Sin can be a worry, too. Did you realize? If we worry about unnecessary things that aren't centered around God, it can be a sin. 

Worry is something the devil brings, so why spend time thinking about them? Its God that brings peace, and the Devil that brings chaos.

Just for a personal recommendation, I choose peace.

"Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day had enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

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