Hi. I'm Hermione Granger.

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A/N: Hey, everyone! Here's the first part of the Rewrite! Still looking for a Beta if possible.

I hope you guys enjoy! I'm really happy with how much better my writing is.

Thank you for reading! :)

Chapter One

If it wasn't for the war they would have been done. Hogwarts would've been behind them since technically, even though their education had been interrupted, they would have been seventh years: the graduation year. Now they were all pushed back and the first year class would've been humongous, a combination of the class that should've been second years and the new first years that have been come of age. To solve this issue those that would've been seventh years would simply be called eighth years and everyone who had been at Hogwarts during the war would have to be there for 'eight years' instead of seven - this year of first years would still graduate in their seventh year, though.

Ron sighed loudly as he tapped his fingers against the windowsill, watching the environment outside rush by. The Golden Trio - part of the first ever eighth year class -was sitting together on the Hogwarts Express. "I can't believe they're making us go back for another year," he complained.

"It's not that bad, Ron," Hermione said. "Even though we are starting late, it's October already," she huffed softly.

"It's only not that bad because you already know you won Head Girl." Ron glared at her, "Smartypants." he stuck out his tongue at her.

"Oh stop it!" she smacked his arm playfully and rolled her eyes, "I just wonder who Head Boy is..."

"Well whoever he is, he gets the privilege of living with you for the year," Harry piped up, "Lucky man."

"I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic or not," Hermione snapped her gaze to him, and seeing the smirk on his face she decided he was being sarcastic. "You're an ass, Harry Potter," she growled, but the three best friends just laughed.

Hermione was used to being picked on by her friends for being so smart and studying through the nights which meant she was snippy in the morning. She was fine with it though because she had plenty of things to throw back in their faces if necessary.

"I should've just quit school and worked with my brother full time," Ron muttered, propping his chin on his hand, his elbow leaning against the windowsill.

Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes (WWW) was open once more after being closed for almost a year since the war and Fred's death. George had been reluctant to reopen without his twin brother, but when Ron stepped up and said he would help out whenever he had a day off from school, George agreed and set up shop once more.

The WWW was still a hit and people would wander in excitedly to buy all sorts of ridiculous and silly treats, potions, and gifts.

"You know you would've regretted that," Harry told Ron, "You'd much prefer to hang out with us," he sent his best friend a grin.

Ron sighed again. He supposed that was true.

The train finally pulled to a stop and the trio stood up and shuffled out of the train with the rest of the students.


New first years had already been sorted into their houses and breakfast was about to begin. The only thing left for Headmistress McGonagall to do before allowing everyone to dig in was announce the Head Girl and Head Boy.

"Attention!" she said loudly, "Before I can allow you to begin your breakfast feast I would like to announce your Head Girl and Head Boy for this year!"

Bound To A Vampire (Rewritten) (A Harry Potter Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now