Doing Something Muggle

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Chapter Four - Doing Something Muggle

A/N: This was a very fun chapter to write! I'm so sorry it took so long to come out. I've been having a lot of personal stuff go on, from a surgery in April to the end of my Senior Year of High School/Finals. I hope you all enjoy, and that it was worth the wait! <3

Hermione awoke with a smile on her face. This was the last day of the week! That meant more classes.

The week thus far had gone nicely. Her schedule alternated. On Tuesday and Thursday, she had Transfiguration with Harry, Ron, and Draco, then Advanced Arithmancy with Draco, while Harry and Ron had Advanced Muggle Studies, then Charms with Harry and Ron while Draco had Potions, and then finally she had Ancient Runes alone, mainly with Ravenclaws. She wasn't sure what the three boys had.

On Wednesday she had had Defense Against The Dark Arts with Harry, Ron, and Draco, then Care of Magical Creatures with all three of them again (she was surprised Draco had taken it, but he told her it did seem like a 'practical class'), then Herbology where the only person she knew on a personal level was Neville, and finally Alchemy, which she had with Harry, Ron, and Draco, and was a class this year since there had been enough demand.

Having all those classes together ended up changing the 'tolerable' relationship she had with Draco to even closer to actual friendship, since they had talked a lot. In Care of Magical Creatures on Wednesday, the creature had been a Thestral, (which Hagrid had brought out once before during fifth year, but this time he brought one again knowing more of the class would be able to see it) and it was sad to realize that the entire class could see it because of the Battle of Hogwarts.

Hermione had been the one to convince Draco that the Thestrals were mainly kind since Hagrid was having everyone take turns petting it (some rejected and did not do so) and got him to actually pet it. Surprisingly enough, it was one of the first Magical Creatures he almost felt a bond with, and after being nervous at first found it easy to enjoy petting the creature.

Returning back to the present out of her memories of the week, Hermione frowned as she sat up in her bed, running her hands through her hair. That's right. She had taken Fridays as her 'mandatory day off' that Prefects, 7th Years, and the Head Boy/Girl had.

On a usual schedule, then, on Mondays and Wednesdays she'd have what she'd had this Wednesday, and Tuesdays and Thursdays she'd had what she had this week.

She grumbled and flopped back into the bed. No reason to get up early then.

A few minutes later, a clear knock on her door jerked her head back up. She groaned and got out of the bed. Once she stood up she straightened her burgundy nightgown so it fell to her knees like it was supposed to before walking to the door and opening it.

"I suppose you took Fridays off as well?" the smooth voice of Draco caught her off guard. She had been expecting a rough 'good morning' or something of the sorts.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I did." Hermione said with a yawn, rubbing her eyes blearily.

The first thing she noticed was that his hair was messy again. Of course it was, he had just got up too she assumed.

He wore a dark green t-shirt that hung on his body comfortably and silky looking black pants.

The colors they wore contrasted as much as the two houses they came from.

She ran a hand through her hair, "I was planning on getting some more sleep but..." she trailed off.

"Sorry to interrupt your sleep," he smirked at her.

"Oh no it's fine I should just get up anyways," she muttered.

"Say, Draco?" Hermione looked up at him blearily.

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