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Chapter Three - Classes

The new Professor of Transfiguration, Professor Lissa Garoyl had been nice enough. She treated them properly for their age and understood what they had gone through the last year, and sympathized with them deeply. Almost too deeply, the woman was sort of dramatic. She was younger than Professor McGonagall but had silver hair and soft blue eyes. She looked to be in her late 30s or early 40s so the silver hair had to be a fashion choice and not her actual hair color - which was evident by her black roots.

Since she was new they had spent the class period talking and getting to know each other, much to Hermione's dismay but everyone else's delight.

Considering they were all just talking, Hermione had taken the time to ask Draco just what exactly was bothering him enough during lunch to come over to the Gryffindor table.

He brushed her off multiple times but she was persistent and Professor Garoyl had sat everyone not only Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl, but Gryffindor, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Slytherin, which irritated the hell out of every single student. They weren't able to sit with their friends and the rivalry was still strong between the two houses.

The Professor said it was just so everyone could start talking and getting along - she'd let them sit wherever once she got to know names and faces.

Which meant Draco and Hermione were sitting side by side, near the back. The Professor had decided since they were Head Boy and Head Girl they should sit in the back to not only help her and survey the class but also because they obviously needed less help.

So Hermione could bother Draco to her heart's content until he finally told her what had bothered him during breakfast.

"Tell me." she said.

"No," he replied.

"Tell me." she repeated.

"No," he grumbled.

"Tell meeeee." she held out the 'e' in me.

"You're annoying," he growled.

She grinned at him mischievously, "I know."

"Fine, I'll tell you," he muttered, "They wouldn't stop questioning me about what it was like living with...well..."


Draco dipped his head in confirmation, "But that didn't bother me as much as them calling you mudblood."

She snorted lightly. She never thought she'd hear Draco Malfoy say it bothered him that anyone called her a mudblood.

"That bothered you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. It bothered me," he replied smoothly, "I'm trying to be a better person and letting the other Slytherins call you mudblood and then just laugh along like I used to is not the way to do that."

"You've matured." she murmured.

"I'd damn well hope so. That war made everyone involved feel like adults, and even if I was on the wrong side... I don't want to make that mistake again." he huffed.

"Hopefully you won't have a chance to, and that no threats will come up anytime soon," Hermione responded, running a hand through her hair.

The professor looked over the other students at them. They had ended up being a bit louder than when the first started talking or at least sounded like it because the conversation was quieter at the moment. "Quiet down you two," she said.

"Sorry Professor," Hermione spoke up.

"It is fine," the Professor waved her hand, "We were not talking about anything important anyways."

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