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Alex POV

The next day Thomas walks me to debate class, which we have together. Our normal routine ensued.

"Well Hamilton that is where you are wrong! The wage gap is smaller than you think." Thomas says.

"Women get paid seventy percent, on average, what men are paid you idiot." I growl.

"At least I don't drink coffee." He says.

"At least I'm not a sexist pig!" I raise my voice.

"At least i don't dream about you." He says with a wink. My eyes widen and he realizes what he said. "Alexander wait." He says as I run to find a bathroom. I stand over a sink and rummage through my laptop bag. The one place he didn't check for sharp objects. Just my luck, I find a pocket knife. Slowly I press the tip to my skin.

"Hey! Don't do that Alex!" Thomas yells.

"How did you know to come here? There are three other bathrooms on the way here." I growl, twirling the blade on my skin.

"Quit that!" He yells snatching the knife. "Because, like it or not, I know you." I realize what I must do to get relief from the aching need for pain. Without hesitation I punch him in the nose. He violently grabs his nose. "You little ass!" He screams and punches my eye. I punch him more and he punches back. We do this until he punches my gut and I don't cry out in pain. He seems to realize he's been aiding me in self harm. The tall man jumps away from me. I collapse on the ground. I weakly choke out a laugh.

"Thanks, bud." I croak before the world goes black.

Thomas POV

I just beat the shit out of Alexander. I watch him fall down, clutching his stomach. He chuckles a little.

"Thanks, bud." He says before passing out. Without a second thought I call an ambulance. I pick him up bridal style and race to the entrance of the school. A couple minutes pass and the ambulance pulls up. They load him in the back and I climb in.

"How are you related to Alexander?" A paramedic asks. Then I do something rather unexpected.

"He's my fiancé." I lie. First day of school and we're already on our way to the hospital. The ambulance races down the streets and I try to fill out the info sheet.

In the hospital room I'm the only person until Lafayette barges in crying. Hercules follows his husband closely.

"He has a concussion. He brain was swelling so they induced a coma." I explain. The Schuyler sisters follow. No one even looks at me. Somewhere down the hall I hear 'Where is my son?' And then loud footsteps. 'Can I see him, please?' The voice asks. Then George Washington bursts in the room.

"What the hell did you do to my son." Washington yells at me.

"I-I gave him a c-concussion sir. He's in a medically induced coma." I stutter looking at the enraged man.

"Wait, Thomas Jefferson was allowed in?" Peggy asks looking up.

"I called the ambulance. Rode with him all the way here." I say.

"How? They only let family ride with them." Angelica asks.

"I-I claimed to b-be his fiancé." I say turning bright red.

"You what?" Lafayette yells in his thick accent.

Alex POV

I look around the white hospital room. Thomas is blushing hard while everyone kneeled by me is looking at him.

"You heard me. I said I was his fiancé." Thomas says.

"What the hell Thomas?" I scream. No one seems to hear me. Washington looks at his watch.

"I've gotta go guys. Call me if he wakes up." My adopted father says.

"Dad? Dad! Don't leave me! Please! I'm scared!" I yell as the tall man walks away. Angie rubs my hand.

"If you can hear me, squeeze." She says. I squeeze as tight as possible but she just sighs. "I've got a class in ten minutes. I'll see you guys later. So I do what any logical person would do. I stand up to follow her. I pass straight through the bed and when I turn around I am faced with myself. Sleeping peacefully.

"I'll be back." I say. How far can I wander? I walk out the the door and down the hall. When I'm only centimeters from reaching Angelica I'm harshly pulled back into my body.

"Visiting hours for college students are ending. Only his fiancé can stay here." A nurse says. Everyone except Jefferson leaves. He clambers next to me. When the nurse is gone he hums and strokes my hair.

"So peaceful, just laying here." He whispers. "Hamilton I don't think you can hear me so I'm going to spill my guts. For years I've thought you were adorable. Handsome. But my father hates gay people and used to beat me for it. When he died I wanted to start anew with you. Maybe date you. At the time John was alive so I bullied him. When he died you already hated me so much I thought a second chance couldn't happen. I bullied you because I hated the thought of what my family would do to you. If you can hear I hope will forgive me. If not... I guess you wouldn't want me here." Thomas says. Tears that he cants see slip down my face.

"Stay." I whisper. It seems as though he never had any intention of leaving though. My disconnected spirit snuggles up to him. I smile as he rubs my body's hand. My sleeping body's mouth twitches as if smiling at the touch.

Don't Forget That I Love You (Jamilton)(Republished) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now