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Thomas POV

I angrily tweet. It's about Angelica and her slandering Maria's name. The poor girl had been living with Angelica and had no place to live when she left. So now she sleeps in our extra room.

@Thomas Jefferson: Angelica Schuyler is one of the worst people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. She works her way into people's hearts and breaks them. Take my boyfriend, Alex, who went through a rough break up right before dating her. He broke it off with his previous partner because of cheating, and what did she do? Cheat. The person she cheated with thought it was real love until Angelica hit her and fled the country, leaving the poor girl homeless. So if you see @Angelica101 any where in public, please never speak to her. All she does is break hearts.

@Maria Reynolds- Thanks Jeffy. You guys have helped me through a lot. I'm so sorry I cheated on you Peggy and Alex I'm so sorry I broke your relationship.

@Meme Queen- Love you, bae!

@A.hamsamwich- Maria, you are a gift. Anyone who tells you differently will get their face beaten in by Thomas and me. I'm glad you and Angelica got together because you exposed who she really is. I'm sorry that she didn't love you like she should've. I hope what we do for you shows how much we forgive you.

I smile and put my phone down. Maria is officially a 'hamilfriend.' Alex hates it when we say things like that. It's adorable when he gets all flustered about it. Alex walks into the kitchen, nodding to me. With a quick wave back I continue playing on my phone.

"What did you want for lunch?" Alex asks.

"Ummm. I kinda wanted mac' and cheese buuut..." I say.

"I'll try, for you. And you only." He sighs. My heart swells as he pulls out a box of macaroni noodles. I stand behind him and help him make it, seeing as the last time he tried to make he burned it and threw up. He had said that the smell reminded him of the sickness because their house reeked of it from many nights of making it.

"Thanks, Baby Girl." I tell him, putting my hands on his hips.

"Anything for you, Thomas Jefferson." Alex uses my full name.

"Hey!" I protest.

"Would you rather me call you Jefferson?" Alex teases. I pout. He pecks me on the lips and finishes making the macaroni.

"I smelled food." Maria announces striding into the kitchen. "But I found two dorks being a disgustingly cute couple." She adds scrunching up her face.

"Love you too, Mar." Alex laughs. We each get a plate of food and eat at the plain wooden table. Alex gets a very small portion and picks at it while Maria and I scarf down food. Alex nibbles on a cheesy noodle. He five scrunched up but he reluctantly takes another bite.

"Is Alex okay?" Maria asks leaning to my ear.

"He has problems with mac' and cheese." I whisper back. She makes a soft 'ohh' sound and sits back into her seat.

Alex POV

After about an hour of picking at my food I finished and went to take a nap, crutching there slowly. As soon as I lay in bed I feel my phone buzz.

PM from @Angelica101

Angelica- So how's Thomas?

A.hamsamwich- Why do you care?

Angelica- I just thought you might like to know about him and Maria.

A.hamsamwich- what?

Angelica- oh? Lover boy never told you? Maybe check out this instagram account! It will reveal all of your 'boyfriend's' secrets.

My jaw drops as I look at the pictures. One shows Thomas cupping her cheeks, another shows the cuddling on our couch. The last one I notice has Thomas kissing her cheek.

Thomas POV

That night Alexander sits coldly at dinner. He doesn't look at me once. The short man picks at the spaghetti.

"You okay, Alex?" I ask. Zero response. He continues looking angrily at the pasta. Maria shoots me a worried glance. Shrugging I go back to eating.

"I'm going out with the squad. You two wanna come?" Maria announces.

"We'd love to come!" I volunteer.

"You'd love to go. I'm staying home." Alex growls.

"If your not feeling well I can stay home." I tell him.

"Yea, I'd rather you didn't." He hisses. "You two have fun." He spits and storms off.

Several hours later Maria and I came home. Alex was sleeping on the couch. With a small smile I go to pick him up. He pushes me off and angrily snuggles into his blanket. I frown and walk alone to bed. It feels oddly cold without Alex.

"He hates you." A voice laughs. Whipping around I am faced by Angelica. "I'm glad my boyfriend here in Germany is oddly good at photoshop." She chuckles.

"What do you want. This is just dream you can't do anything." I yell.

"It's not a dream, my dear. It's a new technology where I can message you in your sleep because of your phone." Says to tall woman with a smirk.

"What did you do to Alex?" I scream.

"Just reminded him what you really are." Angelica says. "A dirty cheater."

"Why?" I ask.

"Be-because of h-him." Her voice becomes fearful and I feel another person's presence. Suddenly Charles Lee appears hold a gun to Angelica's head. Her image flickers and she's trembling.

"Hey there. Remember me? Well princess is all mine. You just don't see it yet." Charles sneers.

I wake with a start. Only three in the morning but there is no way in hell I'm gonna fall asleep after that. When I walk into the living room I notice Alex is gone. I find a note on the table.

I hope you're happy. I'm moving out. Don't look for me. I don't want to see your face.

~Alexander Hamilton.

I panic. Without hesitation I race into Maria's room.

"Maria! He's gone!" I cry. She sits up rubbing her eyes.

"Thomas? It's three in the morning." She groans.

"It's Alex! He left!" I cry.

"He's a grown ass man. Seriously Thomas." Maria says.

"It's because Angelica told him I was cheating on him, with you!" I wail. Now the girl is awake.

"Dude, what the fuck. We are both super gay." Maria says and I nod.

Don't Forget That I Love You (Jamilton)(Republished) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now