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Thomas POV

Day three of the search for Alexander. We found some clues and each led us to a small shack. The police are finally going in. Instead of kicking the door in though, they silently pick the lock. We go in and find no ones home. We go into the empty basement and hear movement in a room. We go in and find a horrifying sight. Alex covered in bloody cuts and bruises. He was only in his boxers , which were bloody, his hand were tied, and he had a gag in his mouth. He had deep bags under his eyes and tear stains.

"Oh my god." I mutter. They hadn't fed him. I can tell because his ribs are beginning to poke through his skin. I race to his side and take the gag out of his mouth.

"Hi, love." He says before passing out.

In the hospital I'm the only one in the room.

"He suffered several traumas to his head. He may have amnesia." A nurse tells me. I bit back tears and nod. After a couple hours his eyes open.

"Baby Girl? Alexander?" I say racing to him.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" He asks and my heart cracks. I call George and tell him to come quickly in between sobs.

"Umm sir, are you lost?" Alex asks.

"Actually I need to know, how old are you?" I say faking a smile.

"Fifteen sir. I'm a Freshman at Beacon in New York City." He explains. "You seem uhh nice." He tells me. "What's your name?"

"Thomas Jefferson." I say.

"Oh! Lafayette has told me about you! Says you're a real dick." Alex says. "Where is my boyfriend. I'm in the hospital! He should be here." Alex says. I break.

"Your boyfriend he-he's dead." I croak between sobs.

"Were we in an accident?" He asks. I shake my head. "What happened?"

"He-he committed suicide." I stammer.

"What? He's always so happy." Alex stares into my back as I cry.

"Alex, he's been dead for six years." I choke out. George races in.

"Dad! Hi! What happened? Do you know this guy?" Alex asks. George looks to where I'm bawling.

"What did I get you for your birthday this year?" George asks. Alexander's birthday hasn't passed yet.

"You got me an XBOX 360. Why is everyone being so weird?" Alex says.

"Son, its October." George says.

"No it's not. It May." Alex says. "Dad your scaring me." Alex says. George runs off leaving me alone with the confused man.

"What year is it Alex?" I ask.

"2009." The short man responds.

"No it's not." I say, my expression darkening. "It already 2017." I growl. George comes back in holding a stack of papers.

"Read these, son." He commands. Alex rolls his eyes and grabs one off the top. I find his jeans and pull out his wallet. I proceed to pull out John's suicide note, wincing in its presence.

"This is a letter to some girl named Eliza, so what?" Alex says.

"Read who it's from." Washington says.

"Alexander Hamilton... 2016." His eye widen.

"This one next." I say handing him the yellow paper.

"Dear whoever finds this first, this has gone on too long. A year ago a boy began harassing me and my best friend. Ever since then my life has gone to hell." He starts crying. He goes to crumple it up but I snatch it from him.

"You would never forgive me if I let you do that." I warn.

"I remember more I guess. I remember your the reason he killed himself. I don't know why you think you have the right to come here but-" I cut him off by handing him another letter. One he had written for me but never given. I had read it a couple times when he was gone.

"My Dearest, Thomas, you have become my cornerstone. Only two weeks and I trust you more than anyone who is alive. Your faults have been consigned to oblivion. You are the man who sang for me while I was in a coma. The one who fought for me against Charles. You fought for me when I came home. You protected me from myself and those who hate me. What would I do without you, love? Where would I be without you to help me? To save me? I understand if you don't want to love me. I am high maintenance. I have many problems ,but I hope you may overlook those. With endless love, your Baby Girl, Alexander Hamilton." Alex reads. By the end I'm blushing bright red. The nickname was not really to be mentioned in front of Washington.

"I wrote this to you? Why?" He asks.

"We've been dating for two weeks. Lots of things have happened." I sigh. Alex hunkers down in his bed but continues reading the letters. I watch as his confusion grows with each letter. With a sigh I leave the room. I have to go home. As I move through the night I'm stopped. I turn to face man around my height with a face like Alex.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I ask pasting on a faux smile.

"No, I'm James Hamilton. You look familiar." The man says with a silky smooth voice.

"I'm Thomas Jefferson! Are you related to Alexander?" I ask.

"Yep." The man nods. "He's my baby bro."

"Well! He's my boyfriend. Or was. But he's in the hospital and has amnesia. I'm sure he'll remember you." I tell the man.

"I already went and saw him, I just saw you leaving and crying. No one as handsome as you should be crying." James says. My heart flutters. Fuck. Say no. My brain says when the man puts his arms around my neck. Shit. He looks just like Alex. Just. Say. Fucking. No. Red lights  in my brain as he pulls me into kiss. And the worst part? I kiss back. James smirks into the kiss.

"So, where ya staying? I'll walk you home." James asks. I lead him to the dorm I share with his brother.

Don't Forget That I Love You (Jamilton)(Republished) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now