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Alex POV

I make out heavily with Austen. Almost two months into this adventure. His body hovers above mine as we explore each others mouths. Hickeys decorated my neck and back. I jump at a loud knock on the door. Quickly I slide out from under Austen's grasp and run to the door. Opening I'm greeted by an exhausted Peggy.

"Peggy? What are you doing in Nevis?" I ask as she leans on my doorway.

"Me *huff* and Maria *huff* are here on vac*huff*ation. I spotted you *huff* on the beach *huff* and wanted to see *huff* if it was *huff* you." Peggy pants. Maria appears from behind her with a small wave. Austen wraps his arms around my waist.

"Lex, who's this?" He asks kissing my head.

"Some friends from college. Why don't you guys come on in?" I smile to the girls. They return the smile and follow us into the living room, where I realize there is a trail of clothes from the night before leading into a separate room. My face turns red but I continue walking.

"Can I get you ladies anything to drink?" Austen asks with his rich accented voice.

"Water is fine." Maria says.

"Do you have tea? If not then water is fine." Peggy adds.

"Chai tea alright?" I ask heading from the bar area to the fridge.

"You know the answer to that Alexander." Peggy says. I warmly smile and grab the drinks. Peggy quickly chugs the tea while Maria delicately sips on her water.

"So, what's new?" I ask leaning on the other side of the bar.

"Eh, not much. Thomas spent the first month desperately searching for you, but kinda gave up after your extravagant instagram posts with Austen. Eliza met a girl named Vanessa who's really sweet. Herc and Laf are being disgustingly cute as usual." Maria explains with a shrug.

"Cool. I sent a letter to the state, got my law degree, and run a law firm near the center of town." I says grabbing Austen's arm to balance myself as I stand up. The tall man kisses my head gently.

"George and Martha were worried until they realized you had to be in Nevis. Now they try to write letters to you but never send them." Peggy says sipping on her second mug of tea.

"What's with the hickeys, Alex?" Maria says raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"Umm." I turn bright red.

"I'm a little feisty." Austen interjects.

"Well, we were actually thinking of taking a vacation up to New York soon. Maybe we'll see you guys then." I smile to the women. Peggy looks at her Apple Watch.

"Oop. We have dinner reservations in ten, see you guys later." Peggy says standing up.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Maria says winking.

"Honey, we've already do so many things you wouldn't do." I sassily swing my hips and snap.

Thomas POV

I take another puff of the cigarette hanging out of my mouth. Winter break feels strange. No one comes around often, complaining I smelled like cigarettes and alcohol. So maybe I miss Alexander a lot more than I care to say, but I use addictions to keep my feelings in. Check. My phone buzzes. I head inside.

Peglegs - Coming home with two special guests!
An attached image depicted the back of two head, one with shoulder length hair pulled into a messy ponytail, the other nicely trimmed hair and lean muscles. Both had dark brown hair of islanders. The one with long hair was quite short and the other was quite tall. They were holding hand in an airport.

Tjeffs- Who are those people, Pegs?

Peglegs- Its a secret!

Vanliza- One looks familiar.

With a sigh I click off my phone and sink into a distressed sleep.

I wake in a field. It's familiar. Alexander kisses a tall man with short hair. Austen from insta. I gulp when he looks to me.

"Why do you deserve me?" He asks, the smile melting from his face. The scene changes and we're in a congress room. "We need to raise tariffs in order to boost our economy. The only way to properly fix the economy though is stop supporting non-disabled people on welfare. Thomas here would know all about welfare, isn't that correct?" Alex taunts.

"N-no." I stammer. The scene changes and I'm in my dorm with Alex holding my last pack of cigarettes.

"How could you do this? I'm going home." He screams and storms out the door.

I am jolted awake by the slamming of a door. Peggy and Maria walk in and go to their room. Followed by two men. Alex and who I'm guessing is Austen.

"It smells quite bad in here." Alex says, I note his new accent of an islander.

"Yes. Is this the man you told me about?" Austen says.

"Ah yes. This is Thomas." Alex smiles. He goes to hug me but retracts at my scent. "You reek of cigarettes." He comments.

"Yeah, I know." I sigh. Austen wraps his arm protectively around Alex.

"So, what's up?" Alex asks, slightly connecting the words.

"Jesus Christ, Hamilton. You were gone for two months and have a bad accent." I tease. Hurt flashes across his face.

"It is because when I was young I lived in the Caribbean. My accent will reset quite easily." He looks at the ground " Babe why did we agree to this?" He sighs.

"What?" I respond to the nickname.

"He means me, asshat." Austen says. "We agreed because Peggy and Maria were gonna be really upset if we didn't." Austen turns to Alex.

"I'm gonna grab a snack." Alex says and begins searching through the cupboards. As he opens one I realize what he will find.

"No!" I squeak a second too late. He pulls out the pack of cigarettes.

"Thomas? Is this yours?" Alex asks.

"Yes." I mutter.

"And I thought you were protecting me from myself. When did you start?" Alex presses.

"A week and a half ago." I bite my lip nervously.

"Babe, we're gonna stay with my other friends." Alex says, betrayal written across his face.

"Sounds like a good idea." Austen says. The two pick their bags off the floor and leave.

Don't Forget That I Love You (Jamilton)(Republished) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now