Chapter 6

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My heart was still pounding about what was happening. "hey so the party is tuh-morrow" haile said my heart was pounding still as I opened the door Lauren was home and I'm more than positive riker was two.

"Bye thanks again" I yelled they honked the horn and pulled out. my clothes were dry I opened the door wanting to go upstairs. but... there sat Lauren and riker.

"Were have you been!" Lauren said I rolled my eyes. "no of you're business" I said. she laughed "yeah It kinda is." She said standing up

"Mitch where were you." riker said standing up as well. I walked past them quickly.

"Mitch" Lauren yelled running after me.

"Michel!" she yelled I slammed the door.

She opened it, "damn should've locked it." I said laying on my bed.

"What the hell has got In to you!?" Mitch yelled.

I sat up, "why because you actually know me! or is it because you're boyfriend! my ex is leading me on!" I yelled her eyes looked hurt.

"Do not bring riker in to this!" She said walking up to me. "now I'll ask you one last time" she said riker was leaning against the door.

"Where were you?" I looked at my closet "like I said, now of you're fing business" I said.

"Mitch you're under my god damn roof you're gonna follow my damn rules" she said I looked at my closest. "fine I'm leaving" I said grabbing my bags and walking to my closet. "Mitch you will not !" I showed her the door "be out in thirty minutes." I said closing and locking the door.

I walked to my bed and grabbed my phone.

I dialed the number.

"Hey yah I need a place to stay" I said with tears streaming down my face.


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