Chapter 3: The Fall

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F/N=First name
L/N=Last name

Sorry for not updating...

So, on with the story!

Finally, minutes later, I got at school. I rub my arm discreetly, where my (sister/brother) bit me earlier. Actually, (he/she) is older than me, by two years actually, and, like I mentionned earlier, (he/she) is our parents' favourite.

- Hey, (F/N)!
I sigh. It's that a**hole, a guy I used to go to school with. He was super nice, but now he's in basketball and is an a**hole (A/N: this part is inspired by a friend of mine, who I revently met at the friend that inspired this story's school, and apparently he's really mean now (I never went to school with him, it's just our parents are friends) so that made me really saaaaddd! 😭😭😭 Did that ever happen to you?)
- Yes? I ask.

- I hear you've been a jerk to (crush/not-crush name). Poor him! It's not his fault he likes guys, and not you!
Anger courses through me.


- Sure you don't.

- I DON'T!

- That's what I said.
- You do! He says.
- I DON'T!
- You do!
- I don't!
- You don't!
- I do!

He rolls on the floor, laughing.
Suddenly, I realise what he made me say.
- Why, you-
I tackle him, but the bus hits the brakes and we roll all the way from the back of the bus to the front, nearly taking off the leg of a poor 1-year who was getting out of her bench.
The doors open slowly before us, and we stare at it a few seconds.
Then, we fight, trying to get put first. I can see M and C laughing their heads off as they watch the scene. Do not forget we were all twisted together and it kind of looked weird...

I struggled to get up. I was on the last step when he grabbed my leg and made me fall splat on the pavement, scraping my chin. Blood began pouring out of it as C and M brought me inside to clean my bleeding face, and, let's be honest, everybody was laughing their faces off.

- (F/N), what were you thinking? C asked as she gently rubbed my chin with a disinfecting cloth.
- I wasn't! He just said something and-

- Well, you deserved it, a voice said.

Oh, it's (Frienemie name). A girl that I like and hate at the same time.
- You ruined (crush name)'s life. The least you could do is make a fool out of yourself. Bye!

- What?! That- that b*- I began.
- (F/N)! C yells.

- Sorry... I mumble.
- Anyways, you seem okay, M says.

- And class is about to start, C said as she checked her watch. Did you know? Apparently there will be a new student. C'mon!
We left the bathroom.
I could hear whispers and laughter. It was clearly directed at me: after all, I had made quite an entry...

I sighed as I slammed my locker's door. Today was going to be a long day.

As I headed towards my class, French, one level down, my worst enemy appeared.

Her name was (enemy name). She was kind of popular? Basically, she scared everyone, nobody liked her, and she acted like the Queen of the school, even though she wasn't. The only reason a few people knew her was because she was dating tons of popular guys: a new one each week, at least that was the longest she'd keep one.

- Hey there, (F/N), she said with her usual sickly-sweet tone.
- Um, hi (enemy name), I say calmly.

Usually, I would've thrown a couple insults with a side of sarcasm, with a pinch of sass, but today I wasn't in the mood after my fall and anyways, I was going to be late. I also didn't look my best with that giant scrape on my chin.

- I heard you fell out of the bus this morning. Tut, tut, tut... I know you want attention but that's not the way to go, sweetie, she said.
- And you shouldn't have to blackmail people into dating you to be well-liked, (enemy name). Oh, wait! It's the only way for you: you might photoshop your photos, but you can't photoshop your ugly personnality. Wait, what am I saying? Even when you date guys, people don't like you anyways! I say, angry. That's probably the reason your mother left in the first place.

- How dare you? she yells, tears in her eyes.
I understand I went too far. But I don't stop.
- I wonder why your father stayed, though. He's probably worse than you. Wait, that's not possible! And about your mother, she probably hated you the second she saw your ugly face. I wouldn't be surprised if she killed herself: I would do the same thing if I had a child like you!

(Enemy name) turns around, tears in her eyes. She hasn't made three steps that's she starts wailing.

I turn around and head towards the stairs.
- Hey, (F/N)!
I stop on the top step and turn around. I see (crush name).
- I just wanted to say that even though (enemy name) is a bitch, you might have gone too far. But, maybe she'll stop now!
He knows what he's talking about: (enemy name) bullied him for years. I'm surprised he's actually talking to me.
- Hey, I wanted to tell you someth-
The bell rings.
- Sh*t! Well, I'll tell you later. Bye! (Crush name) says as he leaves.

I start heading down when I hear high heels behind me.
I'm barely turning around as I feel two cold hands shove me. Hard. I just have time to see her face, red and glistening with angry tears before my head hits the brick wall a floor down.
- (Enemy name)... I whisper, my vision blurry.

I see her come down with a chair. I can't move and she slams it on my head with strenght.

Everything turns black.

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