Chapter 5: I'm Falling... Again. And This Time I Don't Think I'll Get Back Up

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F/N= First name
L/N=Last name
Yeah okay I know: three chapters in like what one day? (at least when I started writing this). I just had a lot of free time and feeling really inspired. Thank you so much for your comments!

I roll around in bed, sighing.
Ugh. Another lame day.
A day without school. Not that I really like school in itself, but it's another day without C, M, (BFF name) and-
Oh hell no. Why am I thinking about him with longing? The same longing I feel for my friends.

I've probably been alone so long I'm starting to lose my mind.

Back to my list.
Another day with no homework. (What? Why am I sad about that?!)
Another day with no work.
(Holy s**t!)
Another day with no drama.
(How can I miss that?)
Another day-
Oh hell no. With the way my brain is going, I'll probably say I miss (enemy name). I mean, seriously?

Okay, it's official. That concussion has done something weird to my brain.

Well, it has been four days.
Oh, my phone rang! Finally! It's probably (BFF name), checking up on me. Or, more likely, updating me on her fanfic. About me and (crush name). Yep, she did. She wrote it.
In four days, it has over 50K. Well, yesterday. Now she texted me to say it has 74,23 K. Well that's precise.

Ding! Just when I was going back to sleep.
- I swear, (BFF name)... I grumble as I throw off the heavy blankets.

"Hey, you still on for the park?"
A weird feeling courses through me. One I never thought I would feel seeing (crush name)'s name on my screen. Joy. Yeah. No romance, love or anything like THAT YOU STUPID SHIPPERS! (A/N I myself am a shipper and a very big one at that so it's not an insult or anything. Just saying this so I don't accidentally offend someone. )
A big smile lights up my face. I quickly type back.
"Yeah, sure! When are you coming?"
Barely a few seconds after I hit Send, the answer comes:
"Tomorrow, 2PM. Didn't want to have to drag you out of bed AND to the park!"
I laugh.
- No reason, mom.
Don't worry: I'm used to it.
My fingers click on the small on-screen keyboard.
"Can't promise you anthing😉!"
"Haha Okay, see you tomorrow!"
I shut off my phone.
Sh**. I think I fucked up.
Cra*. Was I too cold? No, (crush name), you weren't... Go back to sleep.
Haha. Not hahaha. Not OMG IT'S FUNNY. Just haha. Doesn't that mean like You're lame I'm just laughing to make you feel better?

Oh God. I guess I'll see tomorrow. Better rest up.


What a beautiful dream... Why did I have to wake up...
Oh wait, now I at least know if I'm dreaming or if it's real. It's an improvement: I kind of called my mother something I should not repeat on Tuesday because I thought I was dreaming...

What time is it?

I groggily open my eyes and look at my alarm clock.
Sh**, sh**, SH**!
I quickly take my shower without anyone noticing (because the doctor is afraid I might faint and bang my head and die basically so I'm not allowed) and use my mother's expensive shampoo. I quickly shave, comb through my hair (effortlessly/with difficulty) (A/N Personally mine is really the last one) and braid it expertly on the side of my head. Next, I add a touch of lip gloss and-
Wait, what?
I'm usually not one to care about my physical appearance. I actually don't give a sh** and I don't even own make-up. In fact, the lip gloss I used belongs to my mother.
So why am I getting ready this way?
I check my phone.
"(BFF name)
So, Cali told me you hated (crush name) today. Like really bad. So I'll stop shipping you two if you don't like it. "
I answer:
"I used to, anyways. Today we are taking a shot at friends. Don't think we'll ever be really good ones in the tiny possibility that we succeed but right now, yeah I hate him but I'm trying to make amends. I feel like I owe him that. Not just to him, but to M anc C and a little but to you, too. "

You have beautiful eyes... crush x readerWhere stories live. Discover now