Chapter 4: The Fall (Part 2)

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F/N=First name
L/N= Last name

Buzzing. That's all I could hear.
I open my eyes with difficulty and see a crowd of students, most of them are yelling and all of them are staring at me worriedly. C and M are there, in front of me, holding my hands.
- What... What happened?
- You're awake! C cried out, tears streaming down her face.
- What happened? M asks.
- I... Ugh...
My head hurts so much.
- (Enemy name)... She push... Chair... I mumble.
I just want to sleep. Why can't they let me sleep...

For the second time today, everything turns black and I slip into sweet, inviting unconsciousness.
I woke up in the infirmery. I shut my eyes quickly, because the transition from the black of unconsciousness to the neon lights and open blinds of the white room.
Somebody is standing in front of me, and even though my vision is blurred, I can tell it's a girl but not C or M.
Then my vision focuses and I recognize her.
- (Bestfriend Name)!

I need to explain: a few years ago, I lived in a small town named (town name). It is many hours away from here. I had a best friend, named (bestfriend name), with whom I lost all contact with when she moved away too, a year or two after me.  And now, apparently, she's here!
- What are you doing here? I ask as I struggle to sit up.
- Well, we moved again. I'm the new student! She says.
- That is awesome!
- So, I need to catch up. So, I know your two closest friends are Cali and Emilie, but I don't know your boyfriend's name. Oh, by the way, he's cute! And the girl who pushed you off the stairs, well... I punched her in the face, then Cali slapped her, and Emilie threw a glass of apple juice on her THEN punched her in the face. And bow, she's suspended. Not Emilie, but the girl who pushed you off...

- Whoa, it's really cool you're here... But please, don't speak too much, my head-ow- hurts really bad.

I touch my sore head and instead of my silky hair, my fingers meet a rough bandage.
- Okay, so...
- You have a concussion, she explains, already knowing my question. You've been in here two hours, and you won't have homework for the next week or so, at least. Since you'll be off school and all.
- Wait a second... You mentionned a boyfriend? I ask.
Yep, I know she mentioned it like minutes ago, but I can't think straight right now. Must be the concussion.
- Yeah, the (crush haircolor) guy, you know?
- Wait. What color are his eyes? I ask.
- Um, they are (crush eyecolor), I think?
- oh God, he is NOT my boyfriend. Never was, never will be.
- That's a shame, he seemed nice, seemed to care about you, and is SOOOO HOT!

- Talking about me, are we?
I look up. There is (crush name), standing awkwardly at the door while (bff name) squeals.

Let me tell you something: my BFF is a shipper. Hopefully, you don't know what that is and you never met one. Or had to deal with one. She loves to set up people: in second grade, she tried to set me up with the class nerd, the class jock in 3rd, the class hottie in 4th... That's without counting the multiple summer ships she had. And the look on her face tells me she has found a new ship.
- No, I say.

(Crush bame) looks at me without understanding. (Bff name) just sighs.
- Wha-
- It's her concussion, (BFF name) says, obviously not wanting one of the people in her ship passing for a crazy person in front of the other one. She says stuff that doesn't make sense. Earlier she told me she liked unicorns. I mean, I already knew that!

I look at her in shock. She knows I hate (if you like them, just skip this paragraph) unicorns. So happy, fluffy, shiny... The opposite of reality.

- You two know each other? (Crush name) asks.
- Yeah, we used to be best friends before I moved, I sigh.
- Used to? (BFF name) aks as she elbows me in the stomach.
- Ow!
- Careful there. Wouldn't want her to have a stomach concussion, would we? he says.

- Why are you being so nice to me? I ask, unsure about his new behaviour.
- Well, first off, you're wounded. I can't be mean to a wounded person, that would affect my gentleman image. (I roll my eyes.) Second, you kind of did me a favor with scaring off that (enemy name) girl, even if you went too far. She won't bother me anymore. And last, now, we are equal.

- How are we equal? I ask. And I thought (enemy name) stopped bothering you years ago.

- To that last question, no, she did not. She started again this year, but asking me to date her. And for the first one, well... You humiliated me. Made me lose some friends: but that helped me see which ones were real friends. But you humiliated yourself, not as bad as I did though, you stopped a bully, which kind of pays a part of your "debt", and you got attacked by her. We are equal.

- If you say so... I mumble, inconvinced.
- We are! And anyways, people are starting to see that it was a prank. So-
- Sorry, but I don't understand, (BFF name) pointed out. What exactly happened?

- Basically, I got overprotective of C and M, and I called him gay in front of his friends and a bunch of other people, and so... Yeah, I briefly explain.

- Oh, okay! I'll be going, then, she says.
- What? I ask, dumbfounded.
- I have some uh... Homework to do! Yeah! she says.
- But it's your first-
- Bye! she says, slamming the door.

I understand what she's doing: trying to get us together. And probably writing a fanfic about us as we speak.

- Um, so... he says, clearing the awkward silence. The uh, the principal asked me to ask you, I mean, asked to me, I mean... He asked me to ask you what (enemy name) did.

- Oh, well...
For some reason, I feel disappointed.

- Well, she um, she pushed- ow!- she pushed me off the stairs where I flew off to the lower floor, backwards, I hit my head on the wall and she hit me in the head with a chair. After that...
I groan, holding my pounding head.
- Well, I guess I fainted, I finish.

- She did that? he asked, traumatized.
- Yeah, is what I answer.

- Anyways, uh... i wanted to talk to you earlier, he says. I wanted to say I'm sorry about C and M... And if we can still be friends.
- Friends? I ask, unsure.
For some reason, probably because I hate him, the word associated with him just feels wrong.
- Yeah, we could you know, hang out some time. You could protect me from the evil (enemy name) (he mimicks a punch or two and I laugh) and I would bring you your homework.
- That hardly seems a fair deal, I giggled.
Whoa! I actually giggled! What the hell was going on? Probably the concussion.
- Well, dealing with (enemy name) does't seem like the best part of the deal either, he says, laughing.

- She'll probably stay away from you if she thinks we're friends, I add.
- But we are friends. Right? Or is it all pretend? he asks, suddenly worried.

I bite my lip. I ruined his reputation, was mean to him for months, and he thinks we're friends? Oh god, I actually would 't mind if he stopped annoying me, but I'd always feel guilty. He's too innocent- no, stupid, I correct myself as I remind myself I hate him. Well, used to, anyways. Cause we're starting from zero. Minus the "Hello what's your name" part.

I make up my mind. It's worth giving it a try.
- Yeah, friends, I say, and I extend my hand.

He shakes it gratefully.

- So, new friend, we should hang out. This weekend? At the park? he asks.
- That's fine with me, I say. You'll probably have to drag me out of bed if it's before 1 PM, though. And help me get over there. I'm infirm! I joke.

- Okay! I'll text you the date and time on Friday. Or before. I dunno. Maybe I'll just show up at your house, he says, laughing.
- Okay! Remind me not to wear my Hello Kitty pyjama!

He blinks.
- You own a Hello Kitty pyjama?
I facepalm.
- No I don't, dummie, it was a joke.
- Oh, okay. I wouldn't jude you if you did though, my six-years old brother and four-years-old sister do too.
- Are you serious? I ask.
- Yeah. They tried to make me wear one once. It was horrible.
- I don't even want to know how you got in that situation.
- I don't either, he laughs. I've gotta go now. Get well.
- Bye.
He leaves.

I sigh. Just when I was getting some rest! I pick up my phone.
"So? Did you ask him out? PS: I made a fanfiction about the two of you. Show it off at your wedding! My Wattpad name is (BF Wattpad name).  "
Okay. (BFF name) got my number. How'd that happen?
"Oh, and I got your number from C and M. ".
Great. Hours of no sleep because she's spamming me with fanfic ideas. I sigh and snuggle into the infirmary bed, trying not to think about that not-too bright future.

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