Chapter 1

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Niketa's Pov

I sang quietly to myself as I walked home from the library. Today was the same as every other. Wake up, make dad food, go to school get bullied, go to the library to help students and teachers alike with their work, and go home only to get beaten by dad.

Same routine everyday for years. With a sigh I finished the song that I had been singing and continued to walk in silence. It was dark and I knew it was dangerous to be out this late but I had wanted to stay late today so I missed the bus. Oh well. Gripping my bag on my shoulder tightly I kept my pace forward.

Once I reached my home, I walked around back and slid through my open window expertly. I found at a young age that it was safer to just come through the window so I always left it open and would just pop the screen on and off.

Tossing my bag on my mattress I walked to my closet and pulled out some pajamas. Changing, I threw my dirty clothes into a bag and grabbed my wallet. I turned and slid through my window again, making my way to the laundry mat a couple blocks away. It was a 24 hour place so I took my time walking there.

When I arrived, I found an open washer and threw my clothes in, paying the regular cost to start my load. I sat down and began my half hour wait for my wash. After that, I moved the load into an open dryer and again sat down to wait, humming to pass the time.

"Here late again I see." I turned towards the voice and smiled seeing the owner of the place. He was a kind older man in his early 50s. Quickly, I nodded my head and turned my body to face him. He smiled and walked over taking a seat beside me. "How have you been lately? I have been wondering when i'd get to see your pretty face around here again." I giggled at his words before replying. "Just been busy I suppose."

We talked until my laundry was done and I had to say goodbye. The walk home was quick as I was getting tired and by the time I made it home, it had to be sometime around midnight. Slipping through my window again and tossed my clothing bag into the corner of my small room, I collapsed onto my mattress. I could hear my father stumbling through the halls and turned over to ignore it when there was a sudden banging on my door.

"Little brat! I know you're in there! Open up!" my father's slurred voice rang through my room and I let out a sigh. Here we go again...same thing every night. The banging on my door got louder and to my surprise, the door burst open. There he stood.

The man that filled my nightmares each night. My father was about 40 years of age and was a true blooded Englishman. His green eyes and red hair a dead give away to our heritage. Here in England it was a very common thing to have a man like him stumbling around drunk and unfortunately here he stood in my room.

"Hello father." I put on a smile and bowed my head in false respect to him. I could hear his footsteps as he made his way over to me. A sudden cold metal placed on my shoulder before a searing pain rushed through my body. A knife. Stumbling to my feet, I gripped the fresh mark as blood pooled through my body and down my chest.

"You stupid little girl, you think I wouldn't notice? Do you think I'm stupid?!" he yelled as he lunged forward again with the bloodied knife. I quickly jumped away and moved to position myself to run for the door if needed.

"Well I'm not stupid, I found out your secret. I know you're hiding money. I know you have a job so give it to me. Give me your money you selfish rat!" he yelled lunging for me again and again making me dodge each attack. I was by the window again and my screen popped out easily. With a scared smirk, I jumped and swung my body through the window and back into the yard. Looking up, I could see my father's angry look through where I had jumped and just like that he disappeared.

With a sigh I made my way to the street to figure out where to go for the night to wait until I could sneak in and get my stuff. That is however until the sound of the front door opening rang through the quiet night. Turning around I saw my father walking out of the house with the same knife. He does not usually pursue me like this...

"You aren't going to get away this time girl." he made his way over to me as I stood my ground.

I could run if I needed to so I might as well stay here to make sure he doesn't do anything really stupid.

"I won't say it again...give me your money Niketa." he said sounding a bit more sober as he used my name. I sighed and shook my head.

"Why not?" I thought about his words for a moment too long as he suddenly took charge. Knocking me over onto my back he grabbed a handful of my hair and began hitting my head on the pavement.

Each smack rattled my head and jarred my thoughts into a jumbled scrambled to get this man off of me. My vision blurring and my head pounding I was able to push him far enough from me to scramble to my hands and knees.

As I tried to get my thoughts together I was rushed again but this time with the knife. A harsh pain flew across my face making my instincts kick in. With hope of protecting myself, I put my hands in front of myself as the knife continued to slash at me.

Suddenly everything stopped.

I was grabbed by hands and pulled away, I tried fighting but the hands were too strong. My body burned, slashes littering my body and I felt cold. My head was pounding and I could only see blurred outlines from one eye. Blue and red lights flashed around me as voices were yelling things around me. I could feel myself being moved but I couldn't stop them. Just like that my head succumbed to the numbness encircling my body and I lost consciousness.

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