chapter 8

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Niketa's pov

The ride went quickly and before I knew it we had arrived at a house that rested in a very nice neighborhood. And by house I mean a freaking mansion. The place was huge especially compared to my old three story home in the east end of london that held four families. Me and dad were at least lucky to have the first floor flat.

Definitely made sneaking in and out a lot easier on my behalf. This place had beautiful shrub fence line and a lovely modern feel to it. And that's just the outside that I can see.

The boys got out of the van as a blue audi pulled up. Tae-kyung stepped out with Mi-nyeo and walked inside not sparing us a glance. Shin-woo pulled the wheelchair up beside me but paused looking back at the house.

"There are stairs to get inside, jeremy come get the chair and bring it inside." jeremy walked over and looked between me and Shin-woo before doing as he was asked. I looked over to Shin-woo and scowlded.

"Great, and how am I getting inside?" he stayed silent but smirked and motioned Mi-nom over.

"Her bags." without a word, Mi-nom grabbed my black bag and reached for my satchel.

"No! Im not letting anyone touch this!" I growled, clutching tighter to it. I know i'm being silly but these notebooks are my life...literally.

i have had them for as long as I could read and write. I saved up every pound to buy them and every page is filled with my heart. Everything I have ever cared for is written in them. Mi-nom looked at me then to Shin-woo who was staring at me worried.

"As soon as you're inside you can have it back. No one is going to open it or hurt it. I promise. And if something somehow does happen, I will personally see that it is repaired." I looked at him incredulously.

"You don't understand, it isn't something you can just replace! Please...don't touch my satchel." I nearly cried at how badly I wanted to protect them. I normally would put up a physical fight over things like this but with my body still in repair and the fact that my arm was still bleeding...i knew I stood no chance if they tried taking it by force. Both men stood taken aback in silence when finally Mi-nom spoke up.

"Dude, i'm NOT taking that thing. You're making her freaking cry! Look miss...please don't cry. I'm not good with people crying." he seemed panicked. Shin-woo nodded.

"Right, no one will touch the bag. But we do need to get you inside so just...hold tight to it." I nodded happy that they had agreed. I don't care what happens but if my bag is safe then it doesn't matter.

Mi-nom walked off to the house leaving me and Shin-woo. I was looking past him at the house so when a pair of arms slipped beneath both my shoulders and my knees I couldn't help but let out a sqeak of surprise.

I held my bag tightly and shut my eyes not wanting to see what was going to be undoubtedly an awkward situation. I felt movement as Shin-woo walked, carrying me bridal style. Not to long after it happened, I was being lowered into my wheelchair. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around.

The place was beautiful, the modern feel from outside following into the house where a beautiful porch and garden was visible out the back. There was a kitchen, living area, and stair way around us not to mention the hall beside the living area and the hall beneath the stairs. No doubt this place was huge. It wouldn't surprise me if all these boys lived here.

"Why did you bring her here?" Tae-kyung grumbled in annoyance.

"Maybe because they didn't want me to report you to the authorities for kidnap and abandonment." I grumbled but he seemed to hear by the incredulous look he gave me.

"I did NOT kidnap you!" I shrunk back in the chair and lowered my gaze to my lap.

"Dude, you kinda did." jeremy added making me glance at him with a poorly hidden smile.

"I didn't nor did I abandon you. You're the one who lied about having an injury and pushed yourself away. For all we know none of your injuries are real. What is that? Makeup? And what's with the eyepatch?! You're nothing but a liar and thanks to you, my day is wasted!" I cleared my expression and made sure to not make eye contact.

If I have learned anything from dad, it's that when someone is mad at you the worst thing to do is show fear or confidence. It's best to just shut down and let them get through their emotions and just deal with the aftermath of it. It saves a lot of pain in the long run.

"Oh stop it, what's with that stupid face? You can stop the facade, no one is buying it." I could hear the others in the house trying to calm Tae-kyung or to stop him but I know better. That never that only fuels a person.

"I bet if we look through that bag of yours we will only find make up and stupid shit! Come on then, let's have a look." I could hear my black bag being torn through and dumped. That didn't matter, I can pick it up anyways...there was a scoff and suddenly there were hands on my satchel. Immediately I tightened my hold ten fold. He can do what he wants to my black bag but not this one.

"Oh? Have I found your stash?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Tae-kyung that's enough!" Shin-woo shouted.

"No! It's not enough! It never seems to be enough! She was paid to play this role! It was a set up and I fell for it...but i'm done with you're stupid games." I slowly looked up to meet his glare and sent one of my own.

"You can do what you want with that bag, with me, or anything you feel like destroying. Hell, hit me if it will make you feel better but if you dare...if you fucking dare! To touch my satchel...i don't give a damn about how many stitches I tear, or how many bones I break! I will make you pay! This is everything I have left! And you can be damn sure that I will protect it with what's left of my life!" I shouted angrily taking everyone by surprise it seemed. Everyone except Tae-kyung. His glare hardened and his grip on the satchel tightened.

"You're a good actress, i'll give you that. But enough is enough." with that, he yanked the satchel from my arms and sent the contents flying. My notebooks landed a few feet from each other and my story book landed a few feet from them. Everything seemed intact but that didn't reassure me whatsoever.

I was frozen in fear. Everything I held closest...everything I had left...they were going to be ruined by some stranger.

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