chapter 6

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Go Mi-nyeo's POV

I woke up in the shared house and smiled remembering the decisions we made last night. Although it took some convincing, Tae-kyung agreed and today we are to meet Tae-kyung's sister at the airport, I wonder what she's like?

"Morning Go Mi-nyeo." Jeremy called as I walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning Jeremy-san" I smiled. I sat at the island and grabbed a bowl of cheerios beginning to eat when Tae-kyung walked in and brushed a hand over my hair before sitting and grabbing his own food.

"Good morning Hyung-nim." I grinned looking at his sleepy form.

"Ready to go?" I asked watching his small smile turn to a frown.

"Not I have to?" He asked hesitantly. I smile and nod making him sigh in annoyance.

"Alright I'm in." Jeremy said bouncing in between myself and Tae-kyung.

"Absolutely not, no one is to come except Go Mi-nyeo." Tae-kyung commanded making Jeremy get even more curious.

"Oh? And what exactly are you two doing? Oh! Is it about that call last night?" he asked looking at the both of us.

"It's none of your business." Tae-kyung growled. I hummed quietly, trying to remove myself from the conversation before i was pulled into the argument. i stood to leave the room but Mi-nom walked in, arms crossed.

"If Tae-kyung won't spill, Go Mi-nyeo, where are you two off to then?" I froze and glanced back at Tae-kyung who was shaking his head.

"I'm's not my place to say." I mumbled not meeting my brothers gaze.

"Though I don't see why it's such a big deal to keep it a secret Hyung-nim. If today goes well i'm sure they will end up meeting her too." I spoke feigning confidence. Tae-kyung walked towards me and ruffled my hair.

"Come on Go Mi-nyeo, it's time to go... i'd rather get this over with." I nodded and grabbed my phone before walking out the door with Tae-kyung. Here goes nothing...

Jeremy's pov

"We are totally following them, right?" Mi-nom asked as the door closed. "Who are we following?" Shin-woo asked as he walked into the kitchen fully dressed.

"Tae-kyung and Mi-nyeo. Their going somewhere to do with that phone call yesterday and i for one would love to know what's going on." i explained as i finished my breakfast.

"Well, come on then! Before they get to far away!" Mi-nom rushed and began pulling us out the door. We got in the van and drove off after them. We arrived at the airport and watched them go in and followed in pursuit.

Whatever they are doing here, i'm going to find out!

Tae-kyung's pov

We pulled up to the airport. We didn't know when this girl was to arrive so we walked up to assistance desk. "I'm looking for a girl, she came in from england." i asked the man at the front desk. His eyes light up and he quickly gives a reply.

"Are you sent my Mrs. Mo Hwa-ran?" my eyes widened then narrowed. "Yeah, has she arrived yet?" he nodded and walked around the desk to stand beside me and Mi-nyeo.

"We were worried she would be left here all day, right this way." and with that he bagan walking off towards the offices and security area.

We walked into a closed off room and were told to wait. In the room was a door and a window to see into the other room. It almost reminded me of those tv interrogation rooms. Through the mirror you could see a woman maybe 25 years old stood talking to the man that lead us here. Beside them facing away from us was someone sat in a wheelchair.

From what could be seen, the person was thin and had bandages wrapped all the way up their arms. The woman smiled and knelt in front of the wheelchair. They said something before walking to push the wheelchair out of the room and to us as we waited. Out they came and instantly i froze in my place.

The wheelchaired person looked absolutely horrible. Their skin was pale and littered with heavy bruises while adorning her body was an eyepatch, bandaging on her arms, and an ankle brace. She had dark purple under her visible eye and was obviously undernourished.

"You're here to pick her up?" the woman spoke, seemingly frozen to her place as well. " we need to sign anything or...?" she stood still just staring at me before the woman in the chair spoke up in fluent korean.

"Akemi, please...i'd like to see my new home while there is still daylight." this seemed to snap this Akemi woman from her stuper before she passed me a clipboard silently. I could already see the telltale signs of a fangirl.

I looked over the paper and found the information on the girl in front of me. Niketa...

It also explained who the girl in the wheelchair was. She is my sister. It only made me that much more curious to find out what the hell happened to her to land her in this position. I quickly signed the paper and passed it back to Akemi.

"Alright, here is her bag, she won't let you take the satchel so i suggest not trying. oh, she wont be able to push herself if you haven't noticed so, take care of her." Akemi smiled at me before turning to face Niketa.

"as for you, take care of yourself. Here is my number if you ever want to get in touch...oh! And before i forget..." she leaned in and whispered something to Niketa that made her give a nervous smile.

"Just keep my name out of it...please." there was a nod exchanged and with that the man began pushing Niketa's chair out of the room and back to the main desk that i had approached before.

"Alright, take care now Niketa!" he smiled at her and nodded. I took that as my que and walked behind her to push. We made it outside before she spoke up.

"Who are you two anyways?" Mi-nyeo spoke up before me. "I'm Go Mi-nyeo, this is Tae-kyung. What's your name?" Niketa paused.

"You're here to pick me up yet you don't know my name?" i let out a sigh. "Actually, we weren't sent for you. Mo Hwa-ran contacted me last night. I came to meet you." she glanced back at me with confusion.

"Why? Who are you to me?" she probably doesn't even know she has a brother...or does she? Did she grow up knowing who we are yet never to meet us? I had so many questions and no answers.

"Actually, we were wondering that too." i turned around and came face to face with Jeremy. Beside him was Shin-woo and Mi-nom.

"What the hell do you guys think you're doing here?!"

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