Chapter 6: Explanation (End)

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Orphans. All of them. All of us. Our only parents were our commanders; doomed to death-we fought. Even after death, some of us remained. But not until the fires burned us, were we truly set free.

* * *

I wake up next to Marco in a cold sweat, the dreams still stayed. My migranes, somehow got worse. But, he's here-at arms reach, I can hold him; and it'll be okay.

I fall back asleep as tears stream down my face.

* * *

"Jean, tell me what's wrong," Marco says sternly. I huff angrily.

"There's nothing wrong!" I grumble loudly.

"I can tell Jean, you hide sadness with anger. Just tell me, please, I only want to help." He pleads. Marco looks at me with those big, brown eyes.

I soften at his expression. He really is just trying to help. I pull him close to me, and breathe in his scent. "No, it's fine. If I forget, I'll be happier. I don't want you to worry about me."

Marco chuckles into my shoulder, "you're gonna have to try harder, because I won't stop caring." I squeeze him closer.

"I love you, ya idiot." I pull away and look into his eyes. I linger for a second before going in to kiss him.

"Good. I love you too."

* * *

"Jean Kirstein, you are to take two of these each day." The doctor said as he scribbled out something on a prescription note.

"Alright," I sigh before grabbing the note.

My doctor appointments usually go like this. Take medicine for depression! Take madicine for anxiety! Take this to help with your nightmares!

It doesn't work like you think it would.

* * *

"Hey, Marco, you don't mind coming over- do you?" I ask into my phone; Marco on the other line.

"Of course not!" He replies as softly as ever.

I hope he can't tell how distraught I am. My whole world seems to be spinning agonizingly fast, and it's too fast for me to keep up. I decide to give a quick reply before hanging up.


I begin to prepare a bag of clothes. I toss some shirts, and some shorts, to shove into my Walmart baggie.

To most, a guy walking down a street with a Walmart bag would cause some second glances, but not here. Even in one of the nicer neighborhoods.


I look up from the asphalt road to see him. Beautiful things in this world, are one in a million, but beautiful people like him, are one in billions.

"Marco!" I jump to hug him.

He gladly hugs me back. "Jean, we.. we need to talk."

My heart practically falls into my stomach. Talk about what? Everything is so perfect. "Why?"

"I'll tell you when we get there."

I follow him, but we don't go in the direction of his house, instead we go to an old park nearby. No kids go there anymore, the city gave up on it.

"You know I get these dreams, right?" He asked.

I squinted, "like nightmares?"

He nods with his ever-gentle smile. "You get them too, right?"

"It depends." I say, not sure where he's going with this.

"The ones with the walls, the giants, and us."

And it all starts to make sense to me. "Like us, all our friends?"


"Yeah, all the time, they seem more like memories." I state.

His eyes brighten. "That's because they are. We were alive before. I know I sound crazy, but it's true."

"So, you...?" I say, like an unfinished statement.

"Yeah. Early. I was eaten."

I've never felt so much agony then when I think about it.

"But, how are you sure this all happened?" I ask in confusion.

"I asked around. All our stories line up oddly with the ones from the dreams. Not only that, but you like the same stuff you did before."

My eyes squeeze tight in disbelief. "I need proof."

"I had the first dream with you in it, right before I met you in this life. It felt so surreal." Marco stated.

It was so much. So much to process. He was there. My headache returns far worse than before. "Jean?"

He calls me back into reality, and it hurts less.

"Marco. Let's go. We don't need our past. What matters now is us, in this life." He smiles up at me as I stand.

When he stands with me, his arm falls over my shoulder. Let's go home.

(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)

Jean. Keep fighting for me. I'll see you soon.

Ugh. That's the ending. I KNOW IT SUCKED. I'M SO SORRY. I have a busy life, and it get's so hard sometimes. I wanted to finish this before I moved on. Forgive me. My next story will be Klance related.

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