Prologue P.T 1

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I stopped walking and slowly turned to the man, my hood concealing half of my face. My cyan eyes wide, my heart beating faster than the Flash... It was as if my lungs had been invaded by panic gas and ripped out piece by piece...

"They found you..." the strange voice whispered "Run."
Without a second thought, I sped off, panic no longer settling in my heart, but rather an anger, a thirst for revenge.

The man cocked his handgun, and with a simple nod to his partner they were off with nothing but a small exchange of their foreign language...The tongue of the cold.

With my Grey hood flying freely, I leapt onto the building before me, the tail of my jagged cape trailing behind me. With a firm grip on Blood Rose, my rapier sword and dagger, I a wolf ready to strike it's prey...
My Pursuers stood before me,laughing manically at my stance "You think your scary little girl?"
The smirk I wore, evident on my face, showed off the scar over my lip, the one they gave me
"Attack" the voice screamed, along with every fibre of my being...I wanted to charge, to watch the life leave their pathetic eyes...but I couldn't.
He wouldn't have wanted me to...

"Peace until provoked"

Your probably wondering what what I'm going on about. All shall be unveiled with time...but in order for you to understand the madness of my world, you must hear the tale told by many.

The tale of the Blood Rose

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Whew that was a hell of a chapter...
Sorry if it sucks.... hope you enjoyed...The second part should be up in a moment...
Love ya all

Stay frosty!

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