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Once they get out of the jail the three are quick to get to the docks, which is currently full with men with guns. "We're going to steal the ship?" Will asks as he looks at the ship, which is being load by the men, but Maria follows where Jack is looking and sees a ship already in the water.

"That ship." Maria says a bit too confidently for Will's liking, but it does earn a smirk from Jack.

"Commandeer. We're going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term." Jack says as he points to the ship that is being loaded. Maria gives Jack a confuse look, not understanding why he is commandeering the one at the dock when he has been looking at the other for a long time. "One question about your business or there's no use going." Jack says to Will. "This girl, how far are you will to go to save her?"

"I'd die for her." Maria raises an eyebrow, not believing that someone would actually be willing to die for someone they love, Will must truly love Elizabeth.

"Good. No worries then." Maria frown, but before she can say anything Jack grabs her hand and begins to lead her to the small boats that rest on the beach.

"What are we doing?" Maria whispers as he lifts the boat.

"You'll see, love." Jack whispers back before he climbs underneath the boat. He motions for them to follow after him, which they do, and he lowers the boat so that the soldiers won't see them. Once the soldiers leave the three stand up, holding the boat up and they walk to the water.

"This is never going to work." Maria murmurs as they pull the boat below the water's surface.

"Just watch, love." Jack smiles at her, from where she stands before him. "Just watch." They sink below the water and begin to walk along the bottom of the water.

"This is either madness or brilliance." Will speaks up as Maria walks in shock of the fact that this is working.

"I told you, love." Jack smiles as he whispers in her ear, shivers running down her back. "It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide." Jack says to Will.

The three walk closer and closer to where the ship is before they throw off the tiny boat and begin climbing the large ship's wall. Maria loses her footing causing Jack to quickly grab her waist, keeping her from falling to the water. "Easy there, love. Take it slow." His hand lays under her shirt on her waist, the warmth from his hand sending goosebumps all over her.

"Sorry." She whispers, but Jack just pulls her closer to him.

"Just stay close." They begin to climb again, this time Jack keeps an eye on Maria, and the two finally reach the top with Will and climb over.

The three make their way down the steps and to the main deck where the crew is located. "Everyone stay calm! We're taking over the ship." Jack yells as they walk together down to the crew.

"Aye! Avast!" Both Jack and Maria turn upon hearing Will's words.

"Is it too late to say we don't know him?" Maria asks as the crew laugh at them.

"This ship cannot be crewed by two men, nor with a woman. You'll never make it out of the bay." Maria glares at the man as he says this.

"Son, I'm Captain Jack Sparrow." He says with a grin. He puts his gun in front of the man's face and cocks it. "Savvy?" Maria smiles as the crew get into a small boat and leaves.

"Now what, Jack?" Maria asks. "He is right about us not being able to get this out of the bay. It can't be done with just us three."

"Just you wait." Jack smiles at her. "This is all apart of the plan."

Maria Barbossa: The Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now