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Maria frowns as she walks the streets of Tortuga with Jack and Will. People all around them were drinking, fucking, fighting. It was very overwhelming and a bit worrisome for her. They have walked a little bit, but already one guy tried to feel her up, Jack took care of him though for her. He pulled her away and now he walks with her under his arm, not wanting another to try and get some ass from her. "It is a sad life that has never breath deep the sweet, proliferous bouquet that is Tortuga, savvy?" Jack tells them, while keep Maria close to him.

"Yes, very wonderful." Maria mumbles sarcastically already almost got raped already. Jack glances down at her with a frown.

"I won't let anything happen to you, not under my watch." He promises, causing her to stare up at him with slight surprise. "What do you think?" Jack asks Will as he glances away from Maria and to the other male.

"It'll linger." Will says after taking a once over of the place.

"I'll tell you, mate, if every town were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted." A red head woman started towards them, causing Jack to let go of Maria and start forward to her. "Scarlet." Maria smirks as she watches the woman slap Jack across the face. "Not sure I deserved that." He tells them as Maria crosses her arms. He turns back around and there stood now a blonde woman. "Giselle."

"Who was she?" The woman asks, meaning the the redhead.

"What?" The girl then slaps him across the other cheek.

"I may have deserved that." Maria rolls her eyes and leans closer to Will, looking for Will to protect her now instead of the-so-called just Jack.

"Can we just hurry this up, I don't like it here." Jack frowns before nodding, holding a hand out to her.

"Come on, now, love." She frowns at him.

"I rather not." She mumbles as she walks around him. She knew Jack was a pirate and pirates do associate themselves with whores, but apart of Maria thought Jack was different, cared more for women, but it seems to Maria that he only uses girls for means of sex, not caring about how broken he leaves them.

Will glares at Jack before wrapping his arm around Maria and the two heading where Jack said they needed to go. Jack watches Maria for a moment before he walks in front of them and started leading the way to a bar, he leads them inside the bar and down to where a pen of pigs lie. Inside the pen was a man, sleeping away the alcohol in his system.

Jack grabs a nearby bucket, Will copying his movements, and Jack tosses the water onto the sleeping man, awakening him from his slumber. "Curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot!" The man sat up enough to see and wave his small knife around, looking for the person who awoken him. "Mother's love!" The man says as he sees Jack, he slips the knife back where it belongs and smiles. "Jack! You should know not to wake a man when he's sleepin'. It's bad luck."

"Fortunately, I know how to counter it. The man who did the waking, buys the man who was sleeping, a drink. The man who was sleeping drinks it, while listening to his proposition from the man who did the waking." Maria raises an eyebrow as the man thinks for a moment.

"Aye, that'll about do it." The man holds out a hand and Jack helps him stand up. Once the man is up Will throws another bucket of water on him. "Blast! I'm already awake!" Maria gives Will a look that clearly saying 'you're an ass'.

"That was for the smell." He says, ignoring Maria, as the man nods in understanding along with Jack.


Jack buys himself a drink and sits down across from Gibbs, after telling Will and Maria to keep look. "Now, what's the nature of this venture your'n?" Gibbs takes a sip just as Jack answers him.

"I'm going after the black pearl." Gibbs chokes on his alcohol as he glances up at Jack in shock. "I know where it is going to be and I'm going to take it."

"Jack, it's a fool errand." Gibbs says. "You know better than me the tales of the Black Pearl."

"That's why I know what Barbossa is up to. All I need is a crew."

"What I hear about Captain Barbossa is that he's not a man to suffer fools nor strike a bargain with one."

"It's a good thing I'm not a fool then, aye."

"Prove me wrong. What makes you think Barbossa will give up his ship to you?"

"Let's just say it's a matter of leverage, aye." Gibbs gives him a confuse look, which makes Jack subtly motion his head over to Maria and Will. Still Gibbs doesn't understand, which makes Jack do it again with less subtly and a roll of his eyes. He does it two more time before Gibbs glances over at the two other members of their group.

"The kid and the girl?" Gibbs asks in a doubtful voice.

Jack nods and looks right at Gibbs. "That is the child of Bootstrap Bill Turner. Savvy?" Jack explains. "His only child." Gibbs eyes widen in shock as he looks at him.

"And the girl?" Jack smiles at him as he asks this.

"Barbossa's own flesh and blood."

"Are they now." Gibbs looks over at them with new interest. "Leverage, says you. I feel a change in the wind, says I." He looks at Jack. "I'll find us a crew. There's bound to be some sailors on this rock as crazy as you."

"One can only hope." Jack says as he lifts his cup. "Take what you can!"

"Give nothing back!" Gibbs finishes as they both drain their cups before slamming them onto the table.

Maria Barbossa: The Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now