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"We'll discuse this later." Barbossa tells his daughter as the two make their way out of his room.

"You didn't want to leave me. You had to. Didn't you?"

"Not now Maria." Barbossa says before going up the steps.


"Jack, just don't talk to me."

"Don't you want to know why I didn't tell you?" Maria turns and looks at Jack as he asks this. "Your father and I have never gotten along, not since he took my ship and crew. I was selfish upon meeting you. Wanted to use you as leverage." Maria shakes her head, her heart aching at his words. She turns to go, but he grabs her hand. "Maria once I got to know you.... Plans change." She looks at him unsure how to feel at the moment. "You're like no woman I ever met." He took a step towards her. "You have a fire in you that burns a desire within me." Maria's heart begins to beat faster as Jack stands right before her. "Your eyes drown me every time I look into them." He caresses her face, causing her eyes to fall close. "You make me forget everything that is me." Jack whispers. "I do not blame you if you hate me, but I just.... It started off as leverage and now... it turned into not wanting to share you." She looks up at Jack as he says this.

"Jack, I-

"You don't need to say anything back. I just.... wanted you to know this." Jack let her go and follows after her father. He goes and stands in front of Barbossa as Barbossa tries to get a look at the ship. "I'm having a thought here, Barbossa." He lowers his spyglass and looks at Jack. "What say we run up a flag of truce, I scurry over to the interceptor, and I negotiate the return of your medallion, ay? What do you say to that?"

"Now you see, Jack, I say that's the attitude that lost you the pearl." Maria frowns as she looks at her father. She can clearly see a bit of hurt in Jack's eyes. The pearl was everything to him and Maria's father had to go and rub it in his face. "People are easier to search when they're dead." Maria's eyes widen at her father's cold words. "Lock him in brig."

"Father-" Maria starts, but Barbossa stops her.

"I said-

"And I was yet to finish talking. Those people are only defending themselves. One of them being one of my best friends. Are you really going to go and kill them all?" Barbossa doesn't say anything, but motions for them to take Jack. "I had spent my entire dreaming of the moment I'd meet my parents." Barbossa looks at Maria as she said this. "I dreamed from happy hugs and happy reunions to a cold glance, but never did I imagine my father could ever be so heartless and cruel especially to his daughter."

"I did what-

"Yes and I accept that, but you're planning on killing all my friends without even a second thought. You say Jack is too weak to have the Pearl, but maybe he was just too noble to be in the presence of someone so cruel." She gasps as suddenly she falls to the ground, holding her red cheek. Barbossa looks at her with his own shock and remorse.

"Maria-" He goes to help her up, but she flinches away.

"Don't touch me." Jack crouches down and helps Maria stand, which she gladly excepts. "I'm staying with Jack. He's the only pirate on this ship that I trust." She can see the hurt in Barbossa's eyes, but she doesn't care. He abandoned her and now after so many years he treats her as if she is just second minded and a thought for later.

"Come on, love." Jack whispers as he takes her hand in his. The two are brought down to the brig moments later, Jack keeping Maria's hand tightly in his. The man pushes Jack in, which causes Maria to follow suit. "Apparently there's a leak." Jack says as he gets locked in with Maria, they're feet wet from the water that is on the floor.

Maria Barbossa: The Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now