Chapter Three: The Incident seen through the window

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      Sweet, the first day of school. What disasters can possibly happen? I was woken up by a hard knock on the door. I groaned, "No... Leave me alone."

      "Now that isn't the way to treat your friend is it?" I gasped and shot up out of my bed, I bolted to the door, though tripped over a box and face-planted into the ground. I heard him laugh, then I shouted at him, "It isn't bloody funny William!"

    "Come on it was pretty funny, wait... is this door unlocked?"

   I sat up from the floor rubbing my nose, "Yeah I think so..." I saw the knob of the door turn and he walked in.  "Hey..." His voice was soft, and honestly it kind of confused to me. He then gave me a crocked grin. "You know I think you should probably wear a bit more clothing." I looked down and saw I was an over-sized plaid shirt. I rolled my eyes, "You've seen me in a swimsuit, besides I trust you won't try anything."

   "Not making any promises." He winked playfully and I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, there's a spare room over to the left. I'm going to get ready for school." William's eyes widen with surprise, "Already? You just barely came here to America! I wasn't even planning on heading to school but here you are totally switching my plans."

   I stood up and straightened out my shirt, "You don't have to come to school today, though you are coming this week." He yet again, attempted to raise his eyebrow, "Oh? And who is the one in charge here?" I gave him an 'Are you serious?' look, and he returned my look with his own look saying, 'I'm serious.'

   "Me, William! Oh my gosh... You can't be bloody serious! You should know this by now! You and I both know that I-- GAH!" Will cut me out as he tackled me to the ground, he pinned my wrists to the floor and knelled over me, "Is that so? I'm sorry but which of the two of us is winning this argument right now?" I squirmed around a bit, "This is old Will."

   "Perhaps, I win every time though, so I will start school when I please. In this case I don't want you going alone so there fore I will be attending with you today." He grinned and stood up offering me a hand up, I accepted his offer and stood up looking up at him. I was pretty short so yeah. Often I would always had to look up to people.

    "Fine. You'll come with me to school, though I have to go somewhere afterwards. Which you can't come along. I have made plans in which it would be rude to bring other person in which they were not informed about."

     I could tell he was questioning what was going on exactly. Though knew that I was not interested in telling him. This was one of the many things that I appreciated about him, he wasn't exactly patience with me, he was understanding. If I didn't have his patience on my side, then I had his understand. His understanding of me.

    "Alright. How long will you be gone?"

    "About two hours, maybe an hour and thirty minutes." I smiled and lightly punched him in the side of the arm, "I'll be fine, I'll call you if I need anything. Now come on. We're already two hours late to school so get ready." He rolled his eyes and carried his bag to his room. I walked to my room and opened the drawer taking out a pair of light skinny jeans.

   I slipped them on and went to my closet picking out, a pale turquoise pullover with grey sleeves styled shirt. I closed my door and took off my plaid and pulled the shirt over my head and shifted it down for it not show my stomach. I looked over to my left and- oh my gosh.

    There was a red hair and hazel eyes, who was just staring in shock. I felt my face go hot and I ran to the window closing the blinds as fast as I could. My breathing got heavy and I screamed. I heard loud footsteps and William burst through the door, "WHAT THE BLOODY HECK ARE YOU SCREAMING FOR?!"

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