Chapter Four: Friendships

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        I honestly love that biology class, we still learn things yes. Though... holy crap. He makes it fun! Mr.Longsworth is on the list of teachers that I now like. Best of all? I've only just started the day! Though of course things won't really ever go your way-



      You guys are terrible people. Anyways, the bell rang to excuse us from class. I got up though was stopped as someone grabbed my wrist. "Violet, Mind if I walk you to your next class?"

        I rolled my eyes at Jakob, "Is it one of your classic moves to swoon girls head over heels because if that is the only reason why you are offering than I want no part with it." He scoffed and pulled his hand away, "I am actually offended that you would say such a crazy thing. Gosh, I thought British people were supposed to be nice." Now it was my turn to pull the 'Offended' card. "Excuse you, though I don't greatly appreciate that you would say such things. Not my fault you try to go and shag every girl you find attractive."

        He raised an eyebrow at me, "I'm not going to pretend to understand what you just said however, I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and assume that 'shag' probably doesn't mean anything good does it?" I shook my head and then gasped, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean- um. I'm so sorry. Blimey I need to be more careful with what I say. I'm very sorry Jakob. Ignore what I said about you shagging girls. Just- Ummm... BYE!" I shouted and bolted.

        "HEY VIOLET WAIT!" I ignored his shouts and ran extremely fast through the halls, that didn't last long with I collided into someone's back and fell on my butt, they stumbled though still kept their balance. To my relief it was just William, "Well lookie here, looks like little Miss. Oxford is already dropping clangers on her first day of school. It was probably for the best that I came with you today."

       I growled at him and stood up dusting myself off, "Don't even start with that. So did you talk with counselors?" I questioned, eagered to change the subject. He pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket and handed to me, I snatched out of his hand and started comparing it to mine. He cleared his throat, "Anyways what's got you in such a hustle?"

     I groaned of embarrassment, and then grinned, "We have the same schedule! Well off we go to class!"

     "Whoa not so fast." He stated grabbing the collar of my shirt pulling me back to him, I groaned, "Noooo."

     "Violet now is not the time to act like a child avoiding all the questions that I am asking you. Now, you will tell me why you were in such a hurry or no telly for a week." I gasped in shock, "Not the Telly!" I whined, he chuckled. Though it was more of his evil on than the nice clam one that I usually hear, "Oh yes the telly... now spill it."

      "Fine! There was a boy who was flirting with me in biology and offered to walk me to my next class. Laurence-"

    "Who's Laurence?"

     "The kid who helped me find my biology class, he told me about Jakob, and Jakob is a really smart junior who apparently gets full of himself while he tries to hit on girls. However, I thought he was trying to do the same so when I told him no, he said in a joking matter of course that he thought British people were supposed to be nice. Well I just said that it wasn't my fault he tries to shag every girl he finds attractive."

    "Violet Eline Oxford!"

    I buried my face in my hands, "I know, I know. I'm sorry! That was wrong of me to say at least he didn't understand what that word meant." He huffed and I could tell with the tone of his voice that he definitely rolled his eyes. "We do have google for a reason. Remember I did use google translate against you one time."

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