Chapter Five: Rap battles with Hamilton

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When we arrived home, I checked the time to see it was 2:50, I gasped. "Crap I've got to go!" I bolted off to my room to get the present I got for Tim. William groaned, "Seriously?! We just got back from school and you already have to run off? I don't want to have to stay home alone!"

I rolled my eyes. "You're practically an adult, I'm sure you can handle being by yourself for two hours." William sat upside down on the couch, his hair dangling down away from his face and his glasses slipping a bit. He grinned at me, "You know... I could come with you." I shook my head, "Absolutely not. I don't want to scare him-" I cut myself off... oh no.

He turned himself around to sit up, "Him? Him?! You're going to see a guy! I'm sorry that I am suddenly intruding on a date that you didn't tell me about!" I groaned and rolled my eyes, "Correction, It's not a date. He's... my brother. My younger brother."

William gave me a bewildered look, "Wait, you... huh? You're kidding." I tried to give him the most serious face possibly, he couldn't know the truth about Tim. He can't know the truth about him. "I'm one hundred percent serious William. I don't want to shove a new face into him. It's rude, he's too young for that."

"How old is he?"

"Four. Now seriously I need to go." I walked towards the door and opened it only for it to be shut again. I groaned, "William please! I don't get to see him often!" He shoved his way past me to lean against the door, "Call and ask if I can come."

"Fine." I dialed Mrs. Hansen's number and she answered almost instantly. "Miss. Oxford, is there anything wrong?" I sighed deeply rubbing my temples, "Not at all Mrs. Hansen. Though my friend from England, William. He was wondering if he could tag along with me to see my younger brother Tim."

"Oh so, your friend isn't aware of the situation."


William tilted his head in question and mouthed, 'Can I come?'

I shrugged, and he wandered back by the couch to the coffee table to grab his glasses.

Mrs. Hansen went quiet for a few seconds, and then sighed, "I guess it's up to you sweetie. Though if he does, sooner or later you'll have to tell him the truth."

"Yeah, I know, alright thank you for your time we'll be there in a few minutes." I hung up and gave him the best grin I could without seeming worried, I turned back around to him, "Well she said you could come!" He grinned, and bolted to the door, "Sweet! Can't wait to see your little brother!"

He started to lead me out, I looked down and closed the door behind us and muttered, 'You'll regret it...' Honestly though, it was me stating that towards myself more than him. We got into the car, (Before you start saying, 'What the heck? You just moved to America! How could you have already gotten your driver's license?!' Guys, there is such thing as the internet for a reason)

I started the car and off to the child protective services building we went. I gripped the steering wheel tightly. William cleared his throat, "What's up?"

"The sky." I replied, he growled a bit in frustration however, he kept a little bit calm. "No that's not what I meant, and you know it. You're stressed. Why?" I chewed the inside of my lip nervously, I tried to fight back the urge to just burst out everything that has been going on. "Will, I... can't tell you. Remember we were having this conversation last night? I just don't feel ready to share this with you quite yet. Technically, I still can't talk about it. Can this please, please, be the one thing that you let go?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2018 ⏰

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