Fourteen | Private

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Mama Sar: Hey Mama Can!

Hey Mama Sar!


Mama Sar: 😁

Mama Sar: I'm a mother of three now. Classic 😊


Mama Sar: Yeah. You, Tristan and Jared.

Wowza, i though you meant something else.

Mama Sar: what?


Mama Sar: I'm definitely not pregnant again. 😁 i can barely deal with the poop festival of one. How can i do it with 2??


Mama Sar: what's wrong? You seem, different.

Mama Sar: like emoji different

Look, you know that night we had ? The drinks one..

Mama Sar: Where you and Jensen got it on?


Mama Sar: Candy, i can read you look a book girl.

Mama Sar: I love you Candy, you're like a sister to me.

Mama Sar: was be a good kisser? 😉


Mama Sar: only this question. Pleaseeee

Okay, okay, i think he was...

Mama Sar: yeah girl!

Mama Sar: But listen, it's okay. I'm here 😘😘


Mama Sar: let's have a girly night today. Come on!

I'm coming, I'm coming 😋

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