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The bell rings which means 'home'. Everyone runs and bumps into each other but I was used that. Thank god it's a half day. Me and Caitlin quickly run to the door and everyone screams, laughs and smiling.

"Have a good weekend!" Caitlin says smiling.

"You too!" I smile back. I was just about to walk away until she calls my name.

"Can I have you're number if you don't mind, not in a weird way!" She says kindly.

"Yeah sure!" I smile while I give her my number.

We say bye and I start walking down the road until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I flinch but instantly know who it is...it's Joe Sugg.

"Hey, why have you been ignoring me?" Joe asks looking concerned.

"I have been busy" I sigh, not making eye contact.

"You haven't been busy the past few months and now all of a sudden you are busy?" He tilts his head.

"Yeah, with friends and family" I say walking faster.

"Why are you lying. I can tell when you lie" He says trying to catch up at me.

"Oh yeah? Stop acting like you know me!" I shout looking at him. Eyes crossed.

"I knew something was up!" He shouts back.

"There is nothing wrong!" I say walking faster and faster, I can see my house and start running towards it. Until...

He pulls my bag, grabs my shoulders and looks at me. I gasp and stop.

"What. Is. Wrong?" He takes a deep breathe. I sigh and look down. I can't look at him anymore...if I tell him he won't believe me.

"Tell me Julia" He says leaning closer.

"If I tell you, you won't believe me..." I say looking at him.

"That depends on what it is. Now tell me" He says looking at me. I sigh and start.

"Fine...So I am-" I get cut off by my phone. I grab it out of my pocket and see it.

~Mam is calling~

I look at Joe as he nods and I answer it.

"Where are you!?" My mam says furiously.

"I am right outside" I sigh.

"Then come on inside! We have to go out for dinner in a few hours!" She shouts through the phone.

"Okay I'll be there now" I sigh and end the call. I look at Joe who is half down the road walking.

"Bye..." I mumble.

I stroll into my house brushing my shoes off the mat.

"Julia!?" My mam yells.

"Yeah, mam I'm here!" I yell back.

"Get dressed into you're cloths, we have to go in two hours!" She shouts while going upstairs. I groan and put my bag on the ground and my coat on the coat hanger.


"Are you ready Julia?" My mam asks behind the door.

"Yeah...I don't like dresses mam!" I yell while opening the door.

"Well tonight you're gunna have to!" She says while she pats my back and walks down stairs.

"O look at Julia, looking all pretty for once!" My little brother says.

"Do you want a clatter across the face?!" I shout while he runs to his bedroom.

"You know you shouldn't talk to you're brother that way" My mam says quietly.

"Well he shouldn't speak to me that way! Did you not just hear what he said to me!" I shout.

"He is only a child"

Hey guys!! So this is longer than usual because I'm not at busy! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will see you all in the next one❤️❤️

Bye my little donuts xxx

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