Arranged Marriage: Hot, Cocky, But he's not going to ruin my life! [1]

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Arranged marriages. I don't know why I hated the thought so much. Everyone has them here. But then again, I did go to a public school for most my life so none of my poor friends will have them, it's just us upper class lot and most of those middle class wannabe's.

All I'm expected to do in life is become friends with as many influential people as possible, have children and watch my husband get richer and richer.


Oh God... the sound I was dreading most. Please say I was just imagining it.


I guess not.

"Fleur! FLEUR!" my mother shrieked. "Quick, sort out your hair." Charming. Looking in the mirror I actually look quite nice today; designer everything (or else Mum would kill me), jeans, ballet shoes, dress-top. My hair was actually radiant, dark blond, wavy, just above mid-waist, and my green eyes were sparkling.

Our cook nodded good luck to me from the kitchen as I walked into the sitting room closest to the front hallway. Mr. and Mrs. Brandon were stood there already, looking about smugly and ready to claim me as their prize. Everyone one knows it, their son, Bradley, is marrying way above him.

I'd met him four times before today and hated him more each time. Today wasn't different. He was looking at me like the arrogant pig he was.

"There you are Fleur," said his snob of a mother. "Why don't you two go and have a chat while we finish off in here." She was speaking like I was a child but at seventeen I was not that.

"Yes, let's. Come on Fleur," Bradley said, taking care to appear as overly charming as possible.

I sat down at the table in the dining room opposite him. "What are they doing today then," I finally said when I was bored of him staring at me.

"Signing the papers," he said smugly. "In one week you'll be mine forever. I don't know about you but I can't wait." He was just trying to make me bite. My Father said if I lose my temper with him one more time he's handing me over to them now. Prior to a wedding (one weeks time if you missed that), either the bride stays with the groom, or more traditionally the groom stays with the bride. We're strictly not to share beds but in his parents house I doubt he'd care much about that and I wanted to have my freedom for as long as possible.

"Fortunately, you'll have to," I said smiling sweetly.

He took my hand but I snatched it away. "Come on now, you don't want me to tell daddy you're not playing nicely." I refused to react but I didn't stop him holding both my hands across the table. He smiled obviously very pleased with himself. "Anyway," he said, slowly running his finger up and down one of my arms. "I think you'll enjoy it." I felt myself shiver despite myself.

After a diner that seemed to last eternally, during which I tried my best to keep my legs as far away from Bradley's hands as possible, the Brandons left.

"Why don't you show Bradley his rooms, my Baby," Mum said. She was really punishing me now, making me spend every possible moment with him, all because I wrote in very big letters on the calendar, 'God has Cursed this Day'. It was right over next Saturday, my wedding day. I thought it was quite poetic for me but they weren't impressed.

When we got out of the room Bradley said in my ear, "That name quite suits you, Baby."

"Don't call me that," I warned.

I was storming up the stairs but Bradley kept up easily. "Awh, Babes, anything to make you happy."

"This one's yours." I opened the door and walked over to the other door in the room that led to his en suit. "And this is the bathroom. Enjoy."

"I'd enjoy it a lot more if you were here," he said. He was kneeling on the bed now, patting the space next to him. Time for a joke I think.

I walked towards the bed looking straight into his overwhelming blue eyes. "If you want me," I said sitting on the bed. I moved to him and knelt to so that I was less than a centimetre from his toned chest. "You can have me," I whispered.

He was obviously unsure for a second but as I leaned forward to kiss him he relaxed. I pushed his chest hard instead and he fell off the bed. "Oh well if you're sure," I said. "Don't say I didn't offer."

Later that night I woke up to see Bradley leant over me. I gasped suddenly but he put a finger to my lips. "What are you doing?" I whispered.

I could just make out him shrugging; his loose fluffy curls bounced. "I can't sleep. What about you?"

"Not anymore, you just woke me up." He sat on my bed under the quilt. I could feel his warm touch on my stomach move up higher. "Stop," I breathed. I brushed his fingers lightly away but was so groggy that I didn't have the strength to tell him to get out as well.

I'd left the curtains open and could see the gorgeous lines of his body and even more handsome face. He was about an inch taller than me and slightly built but so, so, so good looking (if he wasn't such an arse I might have fancied him). He pulled me against his chest instead, lying facing him I allowed myself to rest my head on his arm. To tired to care anyway, I let him trace the curves of my waist.

"You'll be mine soon, Baby," he said softly in my ear. He stilled his hand on my hip and held me like that until I fell asleep.

Arranged Marriage: Hot,Cocky, But he's not going to ruin my life!Where stories live. Discover now