Arranged Marriage 4

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For the entire plane journey earlier today I had ignored him. To be honest Finely wasn't worth the breath although it would be worth seeing my revenge on him for not at least warning me about the whole bed thing. I'm in the car now. We stitched to a kind of semi stretched 4x4 but we were still bumping about the bog roads towards his house.

"You're going to have to speak to me soon," he said, still staring out the window. He's not even paying me his full attention. "The 'I do' being the most important part." I could see his reflection in the mirror smile to himself. This is not funny.

Back to my plans of revenge then. There's the obvious one of pouring water in the bed when he's asleep, that would embarrass him. I could get some tips from his friends; maybe do what I did to Bradley. I could do all three if he annoys me any more.

The car suddenly stopped and Finely jumped out, striding towards the biggest red brick mansion I'd eveeerrr seen. For the first time since I'd met him I can see him properly smiling. He looked gorgeous and made me stop and catch my breath. I made sure I was scowling slightly as he turned around and continued walking backwards towards the, his, house. "Like what you see?" he shouted to me.

We both know he's not just talking about the house. And I didn't think I could possibly meet anyone more arrogant than Bradley.

*Finley's POV*

Inside the house it's even more amazing, I don't mind admitting it. I love being at home but it's going to be ruined now. Everything here is modern, classy, except for the cute little fire places and beamed ceilings. "I suppose your Mum chose the decoration," Fleur said, sounding unimpressed.

"Actually I chose and decorated it all myself," I said. I could see she was impressed but covered it a scowl; she looked so much cuter when she smiled, not that she did that much, miserable cow. "Where are you going?"

She'd started wondering down the corridor. "I'm having a look around on my own. Or is that not allowed?"

"Fine," I said and I kicked my shoes off and grabbing my mobile. "Don't expect me to come and find you when you get lost." She smiled sarcastically over her shoulder and went on anyway. I dialled Padre's number and looked up after Fleur appreciatively, her hair laying down the back of her short, tight dress. If only she wasn't a stuck up tart. "Hi ya, Pad!"

"You at home again now?" he replied. I can tell he's obviously eating down the phone.

"After your lunch, come over."

"Nah, you've just got back, I'd get in the way," he said.

"If I didn't want you to come I wouldn't have asked. Anyway," I added. "I've got my fiancé here now."

"Ha! And you're bored of her already? She can't be any good then, so I won't have a go," he laughed. "I'll be over in an hour or two then mate."

*Fleur's POV*

He just had to be right didn't he! I'm totally lost but at least his house is interesting. There's a pool, several dining rooms, a theatre, a massive kitchen, etc, etc. Upstairs there's loads of bedrooms.

Ah, a door I haven't tried yet! Please, please, please go somewhere interesting. The door creaked. I walked in and it was immediately obvious this was the master. The bed was huge with about a million gold cushions. It was pointing out into the room with the back board against the only window that spanned the entire wall from about my knees up. I can see right into the gardens from here and the light poured in. On the walls to it's left and right there are two twin doors. Oh my god this room is beautiful.


O-oh. I turned and saw Finely. He was leaning on the doorframe.

"It didn't take you long to get into my bedroom did it?" He said smiling smugly. And didn't I say only half an hour ago that I liked his smile? "Sorry, I mean OUR bedroom."

"Our bedroom? You are joking aren't you," I said, but I can tell he's not.

"Well we'll talk about it later, shall we, my darling?" The doorbell rang. "We've got guests now. So be a good girl."

Oh God, what now?! I ran to catch up with him down the hallway. I have to walk twice as fast as usually to keep up with him. "Guests? Like who?"

"Mates," he simply said knowing it would infuriate me.

"It's not Bradley is it?"

He sighed and laughed. "He was right about you being obsessed with him."

"What? No I'm not I'm just-" I just don't want Bradley telling anyone about my one and only phone call.

"Yes I do know," he said even smugger. "And I'm sure my a lot of people will want to know how much you charge for these 'benefits'." I felt hot immediately.

"You would dare!" But I know he would. He said obviously relishing this, "I haven't, but Brads has."

"Oh and that's the reason you want me in your house before we marry then is it?" I said. I can't believe everyone knew. Every new person I meet they're already going to have me labelled as the prossie.

"Don't flatter yourself," he said harshly. He was opened the door now so I can't argue.

In the door stood a mildly good-looking guy about as old as Finley and I. He's got coppery curly hair, longer and less fluffy than Finley's but still quite cute. He was a bit shorter than him too, maybe 5'8". His eyes were raking up and down me. I clicked in front of his eyes. "Hi ya, I'm here thanks."

"Yeah," he said, looking less than appropriately embarrassed. "I'm Padre, Pad."

We're sat in a cool sitting room, Padre and Finley spread out over a sofa each; I was sitting in my own armchair cross-legged with a cushion on my lap.

"But I realise now she's really ugly," Pad said disgusted.

"My heart bleeds for you," I said dryly. "It really does."

"Just ignore her," Finley said. "So what are you going to- Right!" He'd stopped because I picked up my cushion and threw it right at his head. He got up walked over and picked me straight up over his shoulder.

"Put me down! Put me down right now!" I was hitting his back as hard as I could but he wouldn't let go.

"Chuck her in the pool!" Pad said holding my hands still.

"Ha! My thoughts exactly."

"No, don't. Stop." Him and Padre finally came to a stop at the pool's edge.

"Told you there'd be consequences didn't I?" Finley laughed. He went to drop me and I closed my eyes shut. When the water didn't come I opened my eyes. He was putting me down into a seat by the pool's edge. "One more word and you're going straight in." Soooo tempting. I hate temptation. I just folded my arms and looked directly ahead. "Anyway. So what are you going to do about her?"

"I can't be expected to spend the rest of my life with her, can I?" Padre said. Boys are so tactless. I can't keep quiet much longer. Ow, biting your lip really doesn't help. "Well, I can't really imagine a worse situation than having to dump her to her face. So I just did it by text. It was quite difficult to word it properly though," he said with no care in his voice at all.

"Is that violins I hear," I said loudly. Oops. "NO-!" Finley put his arms around my waist and legs and threw me straight in.

Arranged Marriage: Hot,Cocky, But he's not going to ruin my life!Where stories live. Discover now