Chapter Two - Snuff Out the Light

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Yet unbeknownst to the two men, an inside force grew.

On a smaller seat next to the emperor's now empty throne sat what seemed to be a living human corpse. Except, this wasn't a reanimated skeletal figure; this thin, sickly old woman was the emperor's advisor, an alchemist named Yzma. Ever since he was a baby, Yzma had raised Manco; this was due to his parents' untimely demise. Yzma at first saw this as a chance to seize the throne for herself, unaware of the true heir's existence (despite being the royal advisor at the time as well). Then she thought of something; were she to raise the prince as she was raised, he would make more of a worthy heir. So she did exactly so, and that was how Manco became his prideful self.

Yzma sighed and got out of her chair, entering her "secret" laboratory. There she was greeted by her two mummy minions; Mick and Bowie.

"Wassup, miss?" Asked Mick, the more relaxed and carefree of the two. Bowie elbowed his companion.

"AHEM. Greetings, mistress. Have you succeeded in enacting your plan, yet?"

Yzma placed a hand across her face in irritation. "You imbecile! Of course I haven't. Did you really think it was going to be that easy, summoning the god of death himself?"

"Well, ya do have all those potions that summon demons and whatever," Mick pointed out. "So why not just create one that can summon Supay?"

Yzma sighed. "I can't just go and summon a god. Yes, I admit I'm the greatest magician the empire has seen, but do you realize the costs that come with god summoning?"

"Uh, not really."

Bowie also gave out a facepalm. "Summoning a god without their permission could cost mistress not only her life, but her soul, Mick. And she'll have a price to pay even if she does succeed."

"Then why summon Supay in the first place?"

" Well... actually yeah. Why take that much of a risk for eternal youth?"

Yzma scoffed. "Why? I'll tell you why. Listen..."

Bowie rolled his eyes. "Oh, boy. Here comes a music number..."

When a woman acquires a certain age,
And the men who adored you no longer swoon
It pays to avoid the sun-lit days,
And live by the light of the kindly moon
But the moon grows old just like us all
And her beautiful years are done
So now she prays through endless days
To take her revenge on the sun
When I was a girl at my daddy's side,
Papa the royal mortician
Revealed to me in secret sign
The mark of the magician
And daddy was no dummy
Did outrageous things with a mummy
And often from the stiffs that he would strive
Would look better dead than they did alive
I studied well, I learnt the trade
I thought my looks would never fade
If I could find that recipe
To give eternal youth to me
It was always my ambition
To use papa's tuition
And gain some small remission from the vagaries of time
Every little ray of sunshine
Robs me of my youth
Who to blame?
Who the one?
Who to curse?
You know the only one to blame would be my enemy the sun
Snuff out the light
Claim your right
To a world of darkness
Snuff out the light
On a world of darkness
Supay baby turn me on
Every wrinkle soon be gone
I could squeeze myself with glee
The promises you made to me
I've really stopped at nothing
Murder, treachery and lyin'
Whatever it takes to keep my looks
You really can't blame a girl for trying
Snuff out the light
Claim your right
To a world of darkness
Snuff out the light
On a world of darkness
Snuff out the light
Claim your right
To a world of darkness
Snuff out the light
Apparitions of eternal darkness
Spiraling in circles through the night
Creatures of beguiling blackness
No more squinting in the night
Bats and owls and coiled sea dragons
Crocodiles and carrion beasts
Swirling in the growing darkness
Join us in the coming feast
Spectre wraith and apparition
Spirit demon phantom shade
Salamander serpents dog-faced devils
Dance and watch the dying sunlight fade

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