Chapter Seven - One Day She'll Love Me

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Days passed, Nina's wedding getting closer each day. It was now a week until she would get married. Pacha, however, seemed anxious. He and Manco were supposed to only swap places for a day, not a week. Then it hit him; Hucua had mentioned that Manco was transformed into a llama. Who knows what could've happened to him? Pacha leaned against a wall and sighed. Nina approached him.

"Hey. Are you all right? You look sad."

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I was just... thinking."

"Care to talk about it?"

"Nah, it's personal."

"Manco, I'm your fiancée. You can tell me."

"Well... Nina, I'm not who you think I am."

"Of course you aren't! You've changed so much."

"No, no. That's not what I mean. I'm not Manco."


"I'm a peasant, Nina. A llama herder. I'm a... a loser."

"You're playing with me again, aren't you? Come on, Manco, just tell me."

Pacha groaned. "Fine! If you won't believe me, then fine. That's okay."

"You don't have to be so rude."

"...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that."

"I forgive you. Just try to be nicer next time."

Pacha blushed. "So... how do you feel about the engagement, now?"

"Well... I'm more tolerant of it now, that's for sure. I still wish I got to know you more, though. I've never liked the idea of marrying a man I barely even knew."

"You know, we can get to know each other more. Why don't we... hang out?"

"Sure. Where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere is fine."

"Oh, okay." Nina blushed a light pink as they walked outside the palace, the stars and the moon already out. As Pacha started to hold his hand in hers, she blushed a deeper shade of pink, almost red in color. She looked toward a festival in the city, grinning.

"Manco, let's go there!"

"I don't know, Nina..."

"Come on! It'll be fun!"


She dragged him to the festival, running. Pacha screamed.

"You're such a big baby." Nina giggled.

"Heh, yeah. I guess..." Pacha blushed out of embarrassment. After a few hours at the festival, the two started heading back to the palace. Nina poked Pacha in a playful way. "Tag! You're it."

"Uh... what?"

She giggled. "It's a game, silly. You're supposed to chase me after I say tag. After you tag me, then it's my turn to chase you again. Got it?"

"I think so..." Nina began to run, giggling. Pacha shrugged then ran after her. After some more rounds of tag, the two fell down a grassy hill, Nina landing on top of Pacha. He blushed.

"I'm so sorry, Manco!" Nina got off of him, also blushing.

"It's getting really late..." Pacha stated. "Maybe we should start heading back again."

"Come on. The night is still young! Can't we just hang out for a few more minutes?"

"Well... okay. But don't take too long."

Nina began to help Pacha back up, and they walked together outside the palace. Their feelings for each other became much more obvious, then.

I'd never imagine before that the world could be turned on its head
I'd never had thought to be here in this place
I'd never have dreamt that in love I'd be lost and so easily led
I guess I was caught by that hint of a smile on her face
I thought I was happy before when my life was as easy as pie
But that was the past of an ignorant youth
I'm falling in love with a girl but I'm forced to be living a lie
And she'd never love me if she knew the truth
Is it asking too much if I pray for a miracle? (Miracle...)
One day she'll love me
One day she'll say "I care"
Although he's changing day by day
He finds these tender words of love impossible to say
He walks in the room and I'm never quite sure if he's trying to be somebody else
I'm liking him better that he's not his arrogant self
Perhaps I'm expecting to much of a miracle (miracle)
One day he'll love me
One day he'll say "I love you"
And I will love him until I die
Distant star
Cast your light on my life
And one by one (I didn't anticipate feeling the power of love in this way)
By day by day (We've never been closer than this and I find myself daring to pray)
[Pacha and Nina]
We'll find these treasured words of love
Impossible to disobey
One day she'll love me
One day he'll say "I love you"
And I will love her
[Pacha and Nina]
Until the moment our hearts stop beating
And we are light...

Pacha and Nina stood underneath the moon, holding each other. Pacha started to lean in for a kiss, but was stopped by Nina.

"Manco, look!" She pointed toward an engulfing blackness in the sky. "What is it?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't look good..."

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