Chapter Five - Nina and the Imposter

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Pacha got into Manco's clothes; obviously, they were just his size. He walked to the throne and sat down. "So... this is what it feels like to be emperor, huh?" Pacha sighed. "I just hope no one cat-"

Suddenly, a beautiful young woman in a white gown walked into the room, glancing at Pacha. "You hope no one what, Manco?"

"...Uhh, I hope no one catches me slacking off on the job, again!" Pacha gave her a sheepish smile. The girl rolled her eyes.

"Please, Manco. Everyone knows that you never work. You don't have to say that."

"Oh. Yeah. You're right. Heh."

"What's wrong with you, anyway? You seem a lot more... awkward."

"Me? Awkward? Never!" He said as he laughed awkwardly.

She sighed. "Yeah, I'm sure... I can't believe I'm getting married to the likes of you in two weeks..."

Wait, I'm marrying this girl? Pacha thought.

"Uh, yeah. Seems like yesterday when I proposed..."

"You never proposed to me, we were betrothed to each other by my father. God, you're so thick headed..."

He gave out that awkward laugh again. "Heh, must've slipped my mind... uh, you wanna talk for a little?"

"Why would I want to talk to an arrogant boy like you? You never asked to talk before this! What is with you...?"

Pacha sighed. "I don't know. I... I want to change, I really do. I'm sorry for how I treated you before. Can't you forgive me?"

The girl, at first heartwarmed by "Manco's" words, glared at him. "No, Manco. I'm not going to forgive you that easily. Maybe you are changing, but you've treated me like garbage for so long..."

"Oh... okay."

A maid called out to the girl. "Nina, it's time to choose a dress. The wedding is coming soon, after all."

Pacha waved. "Goodbye... Nina." Nina didn't respond. He sighed, looking around the room. He jumped as he noticed Hucua in front of him, bearing his usual disgruntled expression.

"Uh... h-hi. I didn't see you there."

"Listen up, kid. I know who you are."

"What do you mean? Of course you do, I'm the emperor."

"Don't play stupid with me! You're not Manco. You're a peasant! Manco was transformed into a llama."


Hucua slapped the boy in the face. "You heard me! Explain yourself!"

Pacha sighed. "Okay, I give in. I'm not the emperor, and you already know it. I'm... I'm a llama herder named Pacha. The emperor and I agreed to switch places for a day. Until he was apparently transformed into a llama..."

"Liar! I've never heard such a dumb excuse in my life! Once I tell the whole palace, you'll be getting the curtai-"

Pacha quickly grabbed the talisman and put him in a bag. He tied the bag up, stored it in a chest and locked it. He sighed out of relief. "I'm glad that's over with. Now, where were we? Oh right. I was going to finish some paperwork." Pacha started on his work, while simultaneously eating dinner. A few hours later, he finished and turned the papers in. He started to head upstairs, into his bedroom. Nina was upstairs, as well. He waved to her.

"Hey, Nina."


"I finished my work, for the first time ever. Heh..."

"I know. That was... a good thing you did, Manco. I'm glad you're learning how to be responsible." She coughed.

"Well... it's getting late. I should be heading to bed. Good night."

"Good night." She left. Pacha opened the door to his room, undressed and got into his bed. He couldn't help but think about Nina for a few minutes, though, before going to sleep.

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