Chapter Nine - Try as You Might

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Suddenly, a cage surrounded Mata and Manco, trapping them. Mata grabbed ahold of two bars and started shouting angrily at the two mooks.

"Let us out! Now! Once I get out of here, I'm gonna rip you two limb from limb!"

Bowie snickered. "You will try, my dear. But you'll never succeed." 

"Heh heh, yeah! What he said! ...What do you mean, Bowie?" Mick asked. Bowie rolled his eyes. "Imbeciles... They'll never understand."

"Uh... understand what?" Mick asked yet again. " Oh, will you shut it?!" Bowie yelled. "I'm getting to it."

Bowie then began to sing his own villain song at Manco and Mata, with Mick doing the background vocals. Bowie sang of the protagonists' failure and how he was certain they would meet their deaths. He also sang of the greatness of Supay. As he was singing, shadows began to magically dance around. He ended the song with an evil laugh.

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