Chapter Four - Meet Mata

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Manco, now awake and transformed into a mere llama, sighed. He looked into a small puddle and was shocked; he was a llama now. Prior to all of this, he saw himself as superior to the whole city; now he saw nothing but a dirty farm animal. He had no reason left to stay in Cusco; in fact, he thought, he may have had no reason left to live. Manco slowly trotted out of the capital, not bothering to look back. He crossed the jungle, not caring about his fate anymore. He could care less if a jaguar or caiman devoured him alive, or if he starved to death.

He soon found himself entering a field. A girl noticed this and grabbed him by his throat, holding him up eye level.

"...Go ahead, then."

The girl dropped him, gasping. "Where did you learn do to that...?"

"Do what?"

"That... that talking, thing."

"Uh, duh. Same way you did. Mama, papa..."

"I get that. But you're... a llama. Llamas don't talk!"

"Well technically, I'm not a llama."

"What do you mean?"

"I used to be emperor Manco..."

The peasant girl burst out laughing.

"Oh, right. And I'm the moon reincarnated. Give me a break!"

"But I am the emperor."

"Really? Then prove it."

The llama gave her basic facts about Manco and the kingdom.

"Pfft. Everyone knows that. You're aren't the emperor, you're a... a... is that Manco's amulet around your neck?"

"See? I told you!"

"How do I know you didn't steal it?"

"Uh... I don't know. But at least I have some evidence to back me up."

She sighs. "I'll find out, sooner or later. Now get out."

Manco snorted. "Fine... whatever your name is."

"It's Mata, llama boy. Scram."

He stuck his tongue out at her as he trotted off. Mata rolled her eyes and got back to work.

Manco was unaware that he was entering the territory of a black jaguar, however. The cat hid itself in the shadows, snarling quietly. It waited for a chance to pounce at the llama. Manco laid down on a soft patch of grass, sighing. He still seemed depressed about his current situation. Then suddenly, the jaguar roared as it lunged toward Manco, its long white claws sticking out, and its  pearly fangs bared. The llama didn't seem to react; in fact, he almost seemed to encourage the jaguar.

The cat's roars echoed, being heard all the way to the fields. Mata heard, then getting up. Followed by the roars was what seemed to be Manco screaming. She sighed and ran toward the sounds.

The jaguar was holding Manco's neck in its jaws. The emperor had suffered several blows by now and was on the brink of dying if the jaguar sunk its teeth into his neck. Luckily, Mata had brought a scythe with her; she charged at the cat, the blade slashing through its back. It roared out of pain, releasing the llama.

"RUN!" Mata screamed at Manco. He sprinted out of the rain forest, running fast as he could. The emperor dropped to the ground, panting out of exhaustion. And in that moment, he seemed to show actual concern for someone. He waited a few minutes and sprinted back, wondering if the peasant girl had made it alive. To his surprise, she did, though Mata had a deep cut through her arm and abdomen, as well as a couple of minor cuts. Manco sighed in relief. "Are you... okay?"

Mata panted, grabbing her wounded stomach. Manco's relieved expression turned into a worried one. "Come on, Mata. Let's go back. I'll help you..."

She groaned. "O-okay... I can't move that quick, though."

The two of them managed to make it back to the field, Mata leaving a trail of blood as she limped. She made her way back to her hut, tending to her wounds. Manco couldn't do anything but watch.

"Hey, uh... thanks for saving me."

Mata smirked despite the pain she was in. "Now I know you can't be the emperor, llama boy."

"What? Why?"

"Emperor Manco would never thank anyone. I may have never met him, but I've heard of his arrogance and lack of empathy for others."

"But I am him. I... never mind. I'm not even gonna try this time."


"So... I guess I should be going."

"I don't think so."

The llama turned around, looking at her.

"You almost died out there in the jungle. I don't want to risk saving you again, so you're staying."

"Thanks... again."

"But you're gonna have to sleep in the barn."

"What?! Why? Do you even know who I am? Oh, right... you don't."

"I'm sorry to break it to you, but there's only one bedroom in my hut. So yes, you have no other choice. It's either that or sleeping outside."

Manco grumbled to himself childishly. Mata couldn't help but giggle at this.

"I guess you and the emperor are alike, after all."

"S-shut up!"

"Make me."

He butted his head against her. Mata laughed.

"Ow, that really hurt!" Mata said mockingly.

"Hmph..." Manco trotted off into the barn.

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