The New Competition Secretly Comes To Town X3

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Now, please don't feel offended my readers, what I'm about to say is all because I want my character to be as close to your appearance as possible,

now if your skin is too light or dark, then please image yourself as tanned or as closely tanned as Law, you also have silver eyes with bags as well as matching tattoos.


Law smiled at (Y/N) as the two of them watched all of their luggage being packed and moved for flight from the comfort of their private jet, much better then any compact- more like claustrophobic public plane any day.

Corazon was keeping himself busy by reading a load of tabloids and magazines on their future rivals, but it was starting to worry the twins when he started to become highly interested in this eccentric 'Shanks' character- guy sounded like a drunken loon.

As flyer after flyer flew over his head, (Y/N) broke the comfortable silence, "okay, what are you thinking?" The blonde blinked at the sound of her voice and gave the girl a worrying expression, like when a child just thought up of another dead end way to try and cheer up their depressed mother, "o-oh...well (Y/N), wouldn't you and Law think it'd be nice to maybe make friends with this bunch?"

The two of them immediately froze, having friends was a touchy subject for the teenagers, not only were they classed under the 'troubled youth' of the world, but they had major trust issues and traumatic problems due to their troublesome childhood, the only people they trusted was their father.

Her brother gave the man a pouting glare until (Y/N) just looked down with a sad frown, almost as if she was about to cry, at the sight of her lost smile, Corazon waved his arms in alarm while Law's eyes widened in worry, sadness wasn't something the two liked to see her wear.

The other teen only pressed her deeper into his side and gave the depressed female a loving kiss at the top of her shiny (H/C) hair, at her brother's actions, she quickly gathered herself and took a deep breath as she regained her posture.

"Daddy, I love it that you want us to have...'companions' but me and Law are fine with just you, ain't that right Law?" The other only wordlessly nodded and gave him a teasing smirk, "that's right, dad, don't worry about us, besides, it's our job to look after you now isn't it?"

Corazon, who was silently watching them both, only clicked his tongue at the sight and felt himself grow even more determined at the sight of his beloved daughter and son giving him two wide smiles, he was going to find a friend for those two even if he had to humiliate himself more than usual.


Corazon stared at their new home with a small smile, everything was just going their way, it looked like moving into America was an excellent decision after all.

Not only was it hilarious to watch (Y/N) and Law swindle the real estates man with only a smooth pair of smirks and smart quips, tripping him into giving them the house almost at half the price, but things were much more easier here.

Back in Japan, the father would always have to carry ten cans of pepper spray and a loaded t-shirt cannon in case a mob of unruly fangirls would show up out of nowhere at the sight of their sleek car or limousine, but not only did they take the public subway -it was an interesting experience seeing that no one was recognizing them with their brilliant disguises- but they were even able to calmly walk on the sidewalk without a single scream to initiate a game of extreme zombie tag.

These Americans were pretty loud all on their own, but at least none of them had to worry about crazy fans...yet, they had no idea how things could have gotten if someone noticed them.

Law smiled as (Y/N) continued to run around the mansion with a childish twinkle in her eyes, the raven always breathed to see these moments in her, when they were all by themselves and she could finally crack open that damn mask of her's, it was a shame that someone like her was too traumatized to share her true self with the world, but, oh well, Law was in the same boat so..

He couldn't complain.

Finally letting his own mask drop, Law made a running start towards his 'on-the-loose' twin and tackled her with a laugh as she yelped in suprise, momentarily swatting at the back of his head with her hands for a shot of freedom.

As the two laughed and goofed off together like a pair of young children, they didn't notice how their interaction made the blonde almost cry, the sight was just too much on him.

It was like they were still little kids, heck, their brains were too traumatized to even fully develop, so in a way they were still kids on the inside, they never had any joy in their childhood, only pain, hatred, and suffering, so much suffering, the father felt that it wasn't fair, how their childhood was taken right from under their noses and were forced to skip it entirely when he could have done something sooner.

Everytime they let their protective masks drop, it was like their brains were desperately trying to catch up with a forever lost time by making them laugh at things that weren't very funny, finding extensive joy in the littlest of things, he loved them dearly, they were his treasures, and he was the only living person to see them like this.

Law continued to laugh as he lifted his sister up from the ground and onto his shoulder making her scream in suprise, the two starting to sing a song as the male spun her around in excitement and glee, they were so ecstatic about this brand new start, they could just feel that this was a good idea.

"When you're rife with devastation~

There's a simple explanation~

You're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball~

And whichever way he tilts it~

Know that we will stay resilient~

We won't let them break our spirits as we sing our silly song~

When I was a little filly, a galloping blaze overtook my city~

So they shipped me off to the orphanage~

Said, "ditch those roots if you wanna fit in"~

So I dug one thousand holes, and cut a rug with orphan foals~

Now memories are blurred and their faces are obscured but I still know the words to this song~

When you've bungled and your bangles~

And you're loved ones have been mangled~

Listen to the jingle jangle of my gypsy tambourine~

These chords are hypnotizing~

And the whole world's harmonising~

So please children stop your crying and just sing along with me~"

As the two continued to sing on, Corazon sadly smiled, everytime they sang that tune it always felt bittersweet, he knows they're mostly recovered from all of that...but still, kids their age didn't emerge from that without deep scarring.

"When you're rife with devastation~

There's a simple explanation~

You're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball~

And whichever way he tilts it~

Know that we must be resilient~

We won't let them break our spirits as we sing our silly song~"

Then the two of them suddenly jumped at him, making them all fall down in a happy mess as the shadow from their new mansion covered their giggling masses, they may have had lots of scars, but they were a happy family.


Name: Gypsy Bard [remix] By: The Living Tombstone

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