A Sleepover In The Monkey Residence Pt2 XD

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Law blinked in awe at the almost endless amount of arcade games in the suprisingly huge game room, wow, he's never seen this many brain rotting devices since that time they went to that kid's store in the center of Tokyo.

Suddenly, he was shook out of his thoughts when Ace excitedly patted him on the back and dragged him through the maze of electronic blocks of metal with a wide grin, "man, I was actually expecting some kind of gothic hippie by the way you two dress, but you guys are more of the silent, smart type huh? Bet you'll like it when dinner's started! I'm gonna make something so great you'll drop your balls!" He got that from only three minutes of dragging him around the house?

The raven blinked owilishly at the back of his head before accidentally dropping his mask and adorably giggling in amusement, this Ace guy was actually pretty funny, amusingly annoying too.

As he continued to laugh at their behavior, he failed to notice the way Kidd and Ace were staring at him in awe, his laughter sounded way too comparable to a tiny child's to be his own, for some reason the laugh was almost unnatural, he shouldn't have physically laughed like that, but it still made them feel so happy to know he was relaxing with them.

(Y/N) questionably looked up at her brother in shock and worry, he accidentally removed his mask in front of them, was he implying that it was okay to remove her's? She still felt wary of these people.

But all stress quickly left her mind when Luffy suddenly came from behind and gave her a hug attack, yep, these guys were way too dumb to question.


Things were actually going a lot more smoother than Kidd thought it would, not only were the Trafalgars seemingly having fun, but they both were actually pretty cool, and it turns out the two of them had a history with robotics when they stumbled into the family's garage.

The redhead gasped in awe with stars shinging in his eyes as the two finished building what seemed to have been some kind of mini helicopter, "holy shit that's cool!" Luffy rapidly nodded his head in agreement while Ace busily worked on dinner upstairs in the kitchen.

Law was just about to activate the machine and show it off to them when the sound of someone entering the house caught his ear, crap, who was it? (Y/N) immediately flinched and took a small step behind her brother preparing to reapply her mask if things went wrong.

Luffy though was oblivious to this as a large smile took place on his face, "ah! Sabo! We're in here!" Then the door to the garage opened up, but the blonde that entered was quick to freeze in place when he saw the twins.

As the two stared him down while hoping to god he couldn't see their fear, Sabo was quick to give them a gentle smile remembering the talk about them from the meeting that morning, he knew they weren't a threat as long as he didn't antagonize them or initiate any hostility.

"Ah, welcome into our home you two, I've heard so much about you" (Y/N) instantly felt at ease from the sound of his soothing tone and let go of her mask with a cheerful but nervous smile, "hi! Umm, sorry for entering your house" the (H/C) haired girl shyly chuckled while Law only gave him an embarrassed grin and twiddled with the small device in his hands like a kid.

Sabo nodded with a cheerful smile, looks like the Trafalgars really were less sinister then they first thought, "anyway, Garp and Rouge are also home, just so you guys don't freak out in case they come down here later" Law childishly frowned at this, "you don't want to stay and see our plane fly?"

The other was slightly taken aback by his innocent looking stare, but wasn't given much time to dwell on it when Law realized he was showing his true self too much, and swiftly looked away with a small tight frown.

(Y/N) pouted in sadness in reminder of their 'mental setback' and crossed her arms while looking down at the floor, but again, Luffy was oblivious to the complex atmosphere and asked, "..why do you two do that? Act all kid-like but then pretend it didn't happen?"

Kidd was just about to hit him upside the head for mentioning an obviously personal topic before Law softly whispered, "we have a...'mental condition'.."

Now Sabo was starting to feel intrigued, "mental condition?" Not being able to answer again, the raven let out a broken squeak before hooking his arm around his sister as an instinct, not speaking another word, (Y/N) sighed while taking ahold of the controller, "..we um didn't have a very..happy childhood...in fact, we didn't have one at all I guess..at such a..young age we were exposed to...a lot of bad things...and we uh well...grew up too fast because of it, but due to some..dramatic trauma..our mind's never fully developed in..a lot of places...so uh we're technically still...kids..."

Luffy frowned in guilt when two sad expressions showed on their faces, he didn't mean to make them feel sad...an idea popped into his head and he grinned happily with a small chuckle, "hey! Wanna go check out our private theater?"

Both of the twins immediately brightened up with a childlike wonder in their eyes as they ran off with Luffy leaving poor Eustass behind, "w-wait! What about the cool robot!?"


(Y/N) and Law giggled while watching the spectacle that was the Monkey family, each one of them was eating like savage animals and reminded Law of a pride of lions, as Luffy was somehow able to stretch his arms far enough to steal everyone's meals, even Kidd looked like he was constantly protecting his food with his life, he must've eaten here often.

But the two only continued to watch and occasionally laugh while slowly chewing on the highly appreciated sushi that Ace prepared just for them, similar to a taste of home.

Just when Sabo was about to konk Ace on the head and probably initiate the start of a duel for stealing one of his cheeseburgers, the doorbell rang before it suddenly paused and the sound of something getting electrocuted went through the air.

The twins took a sideway glance at one another, there was only one person in the world that could pull off a stunt like getting shocked by a doorbell.

The (H/C)ette quickly rushed to the front door while Garp questionably blinked at the other male twin who was following behind her with a lazy and almost tired gaze, "huh? Who's visiting us at an hour like this?"

But when they opened the door, they were quickly met with a very tall blonde with heavy makeup, strange clothes and a small cloud of smoke radiating off of him proving their suspensions that he was indeed electrocuted by the doorbell, "daddy?"

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