Confrontation In The Theater (=□=:)

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The twins froze in horror when the pair of amber eyes and chocolate orbs instantly zoomed in on them when the concert was over, all oxygen in their lungs dissolved, (Y/N) immediately gripped ahold of her brother's jacket to grab his attention.

As the raven looked over to her, they both failed to watch the two stars rapidly rush off of the stage and towards the back while the crowd still flooded the theater to leave and probably go home.

Although the noise level in there was still pretty loud with all of the voices talking and mumbling at once, Law was still able to hear his sister's whisper perfectly clear as he saw the small traces of fear reflect in her eyes, "we gotta get out of here"

He couldn't agree anymore as he helped haul his mildly shaking sibling and try to catch up with the moving crowd in a bustle in an attempt to blend in with them, who knows what those supernovas were planning now? What if they took the whole tweet thing a little too seriously and try to harm or harass them?

But it seems like karma really wanted to fuck with them tonight because as soon as they reached the door out they were met with an empty room with only Kidd and Luffy patiently waiting for them to arrive, blocking the exit.

Shit, they were screwed, that strawhat fellow didn't look intimidating or even hostile at that, but the redhead...after the whole conversation that morning they were very skeptical to approach him, what if he held a grudge?

(Y/N) took in a deep breath before placing on her professional mask, just because they were shaken up doesn't mean they had to let them know it, deceiving others was their specialty after all.

Law instantly followed her example and falsed an amused smirk before cautiously but seemingly carelessly strutting into the duo's view dispite their pulsing nerves, this had to be the most nerve racking experience he's ever had since moving here.

"Why, you guys wanted to see such little fans like us? How nice of you~" the (H/C) haired girl feigned a mocking tone as she innocently tilted her head to the side with a tight glare, she was prepared for anything that might have seemed fishy.

While Law expected Kidd to suddenly go on the attack when his eyes instantly glared right through them, he was suprised when the other quickly looked away with burning cheeks while the smaller raven gasped in suprise and ran up to them with Kidd suddenly trailing behind.

Not knowing what the two rivals were planning, the twins took a small step back for their fight or flight senses to kick in before Luffy widely grinned up at them in awe, "I can't believe you guys actually came to see our show! How cool! I bet you two really do wanna be friends huh?"

What? Then (Y/N) gasped as Kidd lowered his head and softly cursed under his breath while looking up at them with guilt ridden eyes, "I-I'm sorry about this morning...I shouldn't have talked to you like that..since you guys are new and all"

This was completely unexpected, (Y/N) tried her best not to let her mask slip as Kidd uncomfortably apologized to her while Law struggled to keep up with Luffy as he chattered on and on and on-"oh hey! You guys should come over to my house tonight!"

The twins both froze and suddenly they all swung their heads to gape at the younger teen in shock, "y-your house? Why would you invite us to your home!?" Luffy only cocked his head at the girl like the answer was that simple, "so we can be friends silly!"

Suddenly, the boy then proceeded to yank on their arms and drag them out of the building much to Kidd's horror, "w-wait for me dumbass!!"


They had no idea how this happened, one moment they were at a concert to take a look at this Monkey character, and the next he was offering a sleepover, a sign of deep friendship and trust!

As Kidd uneasily frowned in the driver's seat of his bright red RAM 3500 Laramie Longhorn, Luffy only excitedly jumped up and down in his seat as the moon beamed down onto the busy highway that led to Luffy's faux chateau.

" you think we can trust them?" Law softly whispered to his double ganger in the back seat, (Y/N) bit her lip and sighed through her nose, they both knew that they certainly weren't trying to hurt them, there were simply no hostile intent in their tone of voices or body language, and that Luffy kid genuinely sounded ecstatic to meet them.

Without looking away from the two people in front, she leaned over to her brother and replied, "..if you're willing to give them a shot...then so will I, brother I trust your judgement"

Law nodded his head and silently pressed their cheeks together in a comforting manner, a trick he would always use when they were younger after the fire that destroyed their lives.

"I..I think we can give this a shot..." not realizing how his words affected (Y/N), he missed the happy smile that softly caught her lips before Eustass suddenly griped the mirror to take a peek at them.


Shit, shit, shit, and double shit, why did Luffy just have to go and screw up the plan? As Kidd looked back at the two twins, he couldn't help but compare them to a pair of captured animals with their eyes constantly trained on the two of them, as if they were waiting for a chance to run or pounce when he made a single suspicious move, or how they refused to relax, the entire trip they both sat down as rigid as boards.

This was just great, the plan was to make friends with them little by little to gain their trust, not basically kidnapping them and dragging them into your home.

Another sigh left his lips as Luffy let out a little hum, but everything suddenly changed when he noticed a small detail, the twins posture changed, instead of acting as if constantly on guard, they slowly slouched into the seats and rested their heads on one another, huh, maybe this could work after all.

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