🍝Chapter 1🥞

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DGM / HP crossover

Chapter one
Takes place after Allen saves Alma karma and Yu Kanda from being separated and when Allen tries to save the 3rd exorcists from Alma karma's Akuma blood

Note: 'Cocoa Puffs '- someone thinking
'Mitarashi Dangos' - Neah talking
"Skittles"-Allen talking to Neah
for all chapters

Nine: "so disclaimer I don't own D. gray-man or Harry Potter"


Allen's P.O.V

'"There was nothing I could have done but cause more destruction." They said that it was my doing for being a Noah that this happened. That if the earl had his precious 14th the attack on the North American Branch would have never happened. They said that by being something I never had a choice in being was all MY fault! They had no right in blaming me for something I had no control over.' I struggled against my restrainers. The CROW had a tight grip on both of my arms, there were 6 in total. I was being led to my cell room. Timcanpy had been takin in a few minutes earlier I was changed into the prison garments and my innocence was restrained. I looked towards Link's back, his head was lowered slightly as he walked next to Lvellie in front of me.' I never set up the idea of the 3rd exorcist project, I wasn't the one that created the 2nd exorcist project and I certainly wasn't the one that used a sample of the Akuma egg to make artificial exorcists. The only damn thing I was responsible for was the life's I couldn't save that day because I was too late, and no one wanted to trust me and the only person I thought would, didn't believe me they had lost trust in me or maybe he feared me but why? If I had been given the chance I would have been able to save them fro -' I was jolted out of my thoughts when we stopped walking and Lvellie turned around a smug smirk on his face while his head was raised high. "Allen Walker you dare defile orders once more, not only did you use the ark without permission but you also allowed Alma karma to live and allowed the escape of 2nd exorcist Yu Kanda and then you dare to keep the whereabouts of their location a secret, you're lucky the Pope has not decided to execute you on the spot." As director Lvellie spoke, his words were filled with venom. Lvellie's face held a scowl but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. I stared straight into his eyes and returned the scowl.

I would've given a remark if it weren't for the binding seal on my mouth, but I was glad to see my glare did some effect to the man, he gave a grunt of disapproval. What I wasn't expecting though came fast and before I knew it, I was knocked to the floor my mind a little hazy but only when he spoke again did my mind register what had happened ... Lvellie had smacked me across the face with such force that it came along with a nasty fall. I glared up at him. "You need to learn to show respect to your higher ups and follow Direct Orders Walker! If you believe that because you are an exorcist that you have the right to disobey orders without consequence, then you are highly mistaken. A Noah such as your self does not have the right to do as he pleases you will be hearing word from the Pope as to what will be done to you." I kept my eye firmly on him and notice movement out of the corner of my eye and I quickly recognized the voice.

Old man Zhu was standing near Link with shaky hands clasped together in plea, finally he spoke. "Director Leviller please I beg of you, just let the child go he did nothing to harm us. He was only fulfilling the last wishes of a comrade." I was grateful for this man's kind words. When he'd known nothing of who I am.

I felt myself being yanked up from the floor by my hair. I did not yelp in pain because I knew that Lvellie wanted to see pain and fear in my eyes. Something I was not going to give him pleasure in hearing. " You have no say in this old master he has defiled orders that were never meant to be broken by this vile and utter disgrace that you call an exorcist he should have been punished for his actions since the beginning, now get out of the way we must take this deviled creature to its rightful place." I looked over at old man Zhu and gave him a thankful look, he returned it with a sad and helpless stare. I knew that the pleads of the others would go unheard and no matter what I was put through I'd still be executed. So, I began the journey of my unknown fate.


3rd P.O.V

It had been 5 days since the Alma Karma incident and the order seemed to have already forgotten the shortage of exorcists. Unfortunately, the only ones that seem to notice and acknowledge the loss were the exorcists themselves. The events affected them, but the Vatican didn't care, and they seem to use that to force them back into submission. Lenalee Lee was affected the most, her dear friends were being kept away from her, she felt empty, she missed them even if it had only been 2 days, Kanda was said to be dead, Lavi has gone missing along with Bookman and Allen was being held in the dungeon away from everyone. She wanted them back, she wanted to see them again, to see them bickering like children causing havoc in the cafeteria and see them laugh over the most ridiculous things.

She missed them. She tried talking to Kumoi and see if he would give her permission to see Allen, but she was told that he was not authorized to do so, she had to speak to Lvellie to allow her access to see Allen, but she already knew he would never allow her or give her or anyone else permission. The only person that can see Allen was Link. She saw the man exit the room he shared with Allen. She hesitated for a bit but called out anyway. "Link wait!" She walked up to him. He turned to face her "Is there something I may help you with Ms. Lee?" He replied. "Link I-I wanted to know how Allen was doing, I'm not allowed to see him, and the only person allowed to is you so please ... tell me if, if he's okay? "Link could tell she was worried, and he could not blame her, though he too was worried for the young boy. Allen had been refusing to eat and only drank water he was always spaced out lost in thought or asleep and he refused to speak.

Link knew Allen, how could he not, he spent day in and day out with Allen and from what he's seen he knows Allen is not nearly the same person he was when they first met. But the only thing he could tell her was a lie. "Walker is doing just fine a little stubborn as per usual, but he's all right so do not worry Ms. Lee." She looked as if she were close to tears, but she held them. She knew he was lying but hoped that it had some truth in it." Thank you Link but please promise me that no matter what you'll keep Allen safe please. I know you lied for my sake but you don't have to protect me all the time, just like the others I'm not a child anymore just keep Allen okay...becau-because I don't know if-if I'll be able to sustain losing another friend ...please" she wasn't able to hold back the tears in the end and was barely able to speak.

Her nightmares from before coming back to her they seemed so real so vivid. 'The cold bitter snow biting away at their skin seeing the white snow turn crimson with the blood of her comrades she being the only one left standing while the others laid motionless at her feet surrounded by nothing but rubble her heart and soul crying out in pain and sorrow of being left alone and alive without the happiness of the ones she called her family'. Link was quiet, the sight in front of him brought the heavy weight on his shoulder down even more. He felt guilty for bringing down Walker. When he finally spoke Lenalee was now in silent sobs. "Ms. Lee, I promise you that I will keep Walker safe from harm ..." That seemed to bring her mood up but not by much, because the next words that came out of his mouth made her eyes widen and she looked frighten.

"But if Walker begins to show signs of the 14th I will have no other choice but to end Walkers life." Lenalee couldn't believe her ears she couldn't believe that they would even think of Allen as a danger to them he was her best friend he was a part of the family that she learned to love quickly but it seemed that it was crumbling apart. She wanted to scream and cry out her anger and despair, but she couldn't bring herself to. She felt weak and useless she hated the fact that there was nothing she could do she hated it, hated it with all her heart. Allen was like the little brother she never had and now she was losing him. Lenalee was shaking hugging herself, head low, quiet sobs and whimpers left her mouth and the tears finally fell. Link knew how she felt but he couldn't lie to her and keep her from the event that may come sooner or later. He couldn't bring himself to show comfort to her, so he left and began walking to his destination he had to report to the pope and the rest of the Vatican over the situation.


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