🐰Chapter 5🐶

433 18 3

Note: 'Cocoa Puffs '- someone thinking
'Mitarashi Dangos' - Neah talking
"Skittles"-Allen talking to Neah
For all chapters

Nine: Disclaimer H. P and D.GM belong to their rightful owner


Allen's P.O.V

I placed the ark outside of Liverpool. By now the sun was rising and the snow was falling pretty heavily. The orders prison clothes were nothing to protect me against the cold but I've been in worst situation so I won't complain. But the siring pain from my untended wounds were killing me. The pope had assigned that my wounds were to be left alone even the ones given to me by Leviller a few day later. Thankfully they weren't bad enough to kill me from blood loss and if they did get infected it wouldn't be that bad. I stole a cloak from a nearby house it was old and ragged hopefully it was nothing special to them.

I wrapped it around me and covered my head in case anyone nearby recognized me. It was almost morning by the time I reached mothers house. As I near its gates a smile began to form itself on my face. I sped up a bit but my wounds stopped me from running to the front door. As I neared the front door I could hear Baba's voice coming from inside 'Loud as ever I see.' I knock hard on the door. Baba's heavy footsteps could be heard.

"Who is it?' but before I could answer Baba swung the door open. "Mother when you speak of the devil look what happens" Baba had a big smile plastered on his face and I couldn't help but notice he was wearing a clown costume on it looked a lot like the one Mana wore. With the big false belly to its bright and colorful patterns even the frills in on the wrist and around the ankles. Mothers light and slow footsteps could be heard as she approached us. "Look Mother its Allen!" Baba exclaimed loudly.

Mother finally reached us. Her hair had grown white since the last time I saw her. The years must be catching up to her. "Welcome back Allen!" Baba yelled and before I knew it I was attacked by a big old bear hug and I could feel the rumbling of laughter from Baba. I could hardly look up my cheek was smooched against Baba's chest. His laugh was contagious and I found myself laughing along with him. "It's good to be back!" After a while Baba put me down I looked down at Mother. "Hello Mother it's nice to see you again."

"hmm?" Mother looked me up and down 'I wonder what she thinking ... wait what's that look for!?' "Well look at that." A grin grew in Mothers face. "The beansprout grew but ya still short!" 'Wha- WHAT THE HE- no, no don't you dare Allen keep calm, wait a sec SHES LAUGHING THAT'S IT!!' I felt my eye twitch "I'm not short come on its been a whole year I grew 2" since the last time you saw me!!"

"Don't matter you're still a beansprout." She grinned 'Like she's one to talk the old Hag-Mother is 4'11 and she calls me short last time I checked I was 5'8 then again Baba's about 6'5? 6'6? Yeah you know what I give up on this I'm getting sidetracked' "Allen are you hungry?" My eyes sparkle and my mouth watered at the sound of food it'd been so long since I had something decent to eat well ... more like anything at all for that matter. "Yes please" Baba smiled "

okay then I'll go prepare dinner for all of us" Baba ran back inside and into the kitchen. I looked back at Mother a stern look in her face. "Allen tell me the real reason you came back I know it's not for a short visit I may be old but I'm not blind. Your wounded, wearing the orders prison garments and you've grown thin."

"Mother I...I-I want to know 'more about the 14th I want to know more about Mana Please Mother no I couldn't say that she didn't know I'll have to lie but in what way I couldn't say I wanted a break ... AH I know' If It'd be fine if I could stay for a while I need some time to sort things out and ... If you knew of some place, I could keep a low radar at? please mother." Mother sighed "come inside fool or do you want to sit outside in the snow" mother walked inside, sat down on one of the dining table chairs and took out her pipe and light it. She took a drag from it a poof of smoke was released from her mouth. "What kind of idiot are you!?" Mother shook her head she looked up at me. "Are you really looking for an answer that's been answered to you since you first left." Mother will never change will she it's always been like this since the day we first spoke to each other well... more like the day I actually answered back.

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