🍢Chapter 4🍡

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Note: 'Cocoa Puffs '- someone thinking
'Mitarashi Dangos' - Neah talking
"Skittles"-Allen talking to Neah

"Food"- Radio conversation/speaker announcement
For all chapters

Nine: I'm so proud of myself. Disclaimer DGM and HP belong to their rightful owners

3rd P.O. V

Cardinal had a full grip on Allen's head. Too concentrated on getting Allen to sleep and make him become one with him. He didn't notice the talismans go off and a heart shaped red checkered colored door open releasing large black and purple butterflies. A dark figure with white clads appear behind him. "stuck in a jam? B~oy☆."

A white light emitted from his hand, he slammed it against Cardinals face slammed to the ground, the floor below him split open creating a crater in its place. A dark aura began emitting from the man wearing white. "Hah, looks like it was worth returning you to the church." An evil menacing grin came from the man's face it spread too wide to be human.

"7000 Years. After 7000 years, I finally found it" his voice was dark and deep it sounded threatening. Rustling of clothing could be heard from the man's hood. "nnzz, PUAH" a small rag doll came out of his hood. With a poof, the doll turned into a girl black spiky hair a little too revealing white dress, gray ashen skin. "A-ALLEN" she yelled kicking the air almost causing the man to lose balance.

The girl ran to Allen, who was on the floor by the foot of his bed face full of sheer terror and shock breathing heavy. The girl lunged herself at Allen wrapping her thin arms around the boy's neck. "You alright Allen?" Allen didn't respond but kept breathing heavily. "it's ok now" she spoke softly Allen's heartbeat and heavy breathing died down and by instinct he hugged her and closed his eyes. The man was dumbfounded as he saw Road calming the boy down. 'The boy didn't even call out to me ...! He must really be shaken up. Good thing I didn't bring Sheryl.' The sound of rocks shifting and falling from a high bringing the attention of the other occupants in the room. Cardinal was rising slowly.

They all turned to look at him. Allen's expression showed confusion. Cardinal was Straightening up, his face was cracked like porcelain his eyes were a completely different color the normal white was now blood red his brown eyes now a bright sky blue. "A Noah by god this isn't your friend's house, so I prefer if you don't enter so casually ". Allen sensed something it felt familiar 'Innocence?' "AH, T-THIS PRESENCE, AN INNOCENCE COMPATIBLE!?" Allen yelled. Tyki grind "This person is neither human nor compatible. This is an independent innocence, which exist solely to protect the 'Heart'. The Millennium earl calls it 'Apocryphus'." Cardinal or better known as Apocryphus gave a menacing smile "Apocryphus so we finally meet I have been searching for you ... for 7000 years".

"A clue ... to the 'Heart'?"

Road wondered, where they close to the heart? Or not? Apocryphus was angered that they actually thought of going near the 'heart'." Clue" Apocryphus was completely different his skin was now white his human features gone he looked grotesque. The Meir presence of Apocryphus killed all the tease that were fluttering around the room. "No, to a Noah my existence... is to that of a grim reaper ". Allen clenched his teeth and scowled. Apocryphus swung at Tyki with full force Tyki ducked he was expecting this. "Hah. You fell into a trap stupid grim reaper!" Tyki blocked the upcoming blow and kicked Apocryphus. Apocryphus crossed his arms and blocked the kick. But was too late to see the next attack, Tyki sent a fist to Apocryphus's stomach and sent him towards the closest wall behind him and released his dark matter there was burst of flames. The floor below Tyki cracked and without expecting it Apocryphus burst from the floor and sent a kick at Tyki's way.

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