🍱Chapter 3🍮

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Note: 'Cocoa Puffs '- someone thinking
'Mitarashi Dangos' - Neah talking
"Skittles"-Allen talking to Neah
For all chapters

Nine: As always DGM and HP belong to their respected owners

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Allen's P.O.V

Being in the dungeon seems to make time stop. I might have only been here for a couple of days but to me it felt like weeks, months even. I couldn't tell if it was day or night if it was snowing, raining or sunny outside, this cell had no windows and the walls being newly built had no cracks in them to let at least a little sunlight in to let me know. No one came into the cell. The only ones that ever entered were CROWS to bring in my food and take them back, the food cold and untouched, between that a CROW was to stay inside the cell and stand guard in the room. Aside from them was Lvellie to "interrogate" me, "yeah right more like torment and torture me half to death." I was happy that I could keep silent all this time. But it was becoming harder to do as time passed on the punishments grew more violent by the day sure I would be able to last long but thanks to being malnourished and the lack of rest made everything seem almost unbearable as each day went by the more blood I lost and the more scares and bruises I gained.

My whole body was sore I could feel some of the scabs scrape across the bandages, at some point the Pope gave new orders to stop treatment to my wounds. They were only cleaned and by "cleaned" they meant a bucket of cold water poured on them/on me. They were left out in the open but most of the wounds were on my chest and back the prison shirt bothered the open gashes the wound on my thigh had begun to turn an ugly purplish yellow signaling an infection a mild one but it still hurt to move. The chains were diving into my skin and they burned my ankles and wrist.

I look towards Timcanpy and the enlarged golem seemed stressed out and bothered by the talisman on his face. 'I'm sorry little buddy I didn't mean for you to be trapped here with me.' I wanted to speak out to him and let him know that everything was fine. But I couldn't risk the guards hearing me speak and run off and tell Lvellie, so I stayed quiet. There was a noise outside like yelling?

"Get down!"

"Huh?! Ah yes sir!"

Then the door was kicked open. I looked up to find Link with a ... a bowl. But of what? I had no idea. "Leave me alone with him for a bit. Keep watch outside." Link told one of the CROW guards "Yes sir." The guard walked out and closed the cell door. Link walked up to me his footsteps heavy, but he stopped a foot away from me. He was glaring down at me. So, I stared back at him wondering what he wanted from me.

The pot in his hand was steaming. He moved forward and quickly put the pot of steaming who knows what? On my face on my left cheek "OWW!!" my face burned I put my hand on my face." This is head chef Jerry's rice gruel. I had him make it so that even a cautious ma- boy like you would eat it. Central has done nothing to your food SO EAT!!" Link slammed his hand against the table. Handing me the steaming pot of what I now know is rice I look at the pot for a moment and placed it on my lap and opened it.

What was inside was white rice and on it with sauce was spelled 'Lvellie ciseán tú ceann' Which meant 'Lvellie, you shithead' and on the bottom was a drawing of an emoji mad and sticking his tongue out. 'He's right ...' I lifted the bowl and sat crisscross and placed the bowl between my legs and began to eat. Link was sitting in the table at the foot of the bed facing the door his left elbow on the table and his head resting on his hand. After a moment, I spoke "Link. I'm sorry for attacking you back then." Silence fell. "Just when I thought you were about to speak THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY?!!" Link slammed his fist against the table. ' I feel bad for the table ...' I scratched my cheek. I felt nervous, so I took another bit of the rice and I felt the heavy stare he gave me.

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