🍰Chapter 2🍬

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'Cocoa Puffs '- someone thinking
'Mitarashi Dangos' - Neah talking
"Skittles"-Allen talking to Neah
For all chapters

Nine: Disclaimer DGM and HP belong to their rightful owners


3rd P.O.V

No one could believe what they heard. The pope himself was ordering them to use any means necessary to get information out of Allen Walker. To Lvellie this was news he was proud to hear because now he'll be able to treat Walker like the pest and vulgar creature he was. To Kumoi this new order was dire he feared of such thing occurring sooner or later, but he never expected it to happen so soon. Unfortunately, a plan of action would be considered useless the Pope was a man of his words he wanted results not a pity party pleading for the life of a boy who was disposable in their eyes and easy to replace. Those from the science department especially Johnny wanted to see if they could develop a cure to extract the Noah's memory from Allen. Old man Zhu stepped forward bowing slightly and straighten up again. "If I may?" old man Zhu spoke up "Kanda Yu died together with Alma Karma he will not return... in these passed days a strange rust has covered mugen this must be proof that it has lost its compatible, Walker is merely trying ... to protect the will of his allies, if anything ... if anything we should be giving him mercy ..." old man Zhu spoke holding mugen out for all to see unraveling the red cloth protecting the weapon. The once beautiful sword now turned white and almost unrecognizable the hilt had spread out into an ugly rigid stone like structure the blade cover in rust and the white looked almost orange there was no doubt that the wielder of the sword known as the innocence that went by the name of mugen was certainly dead. "Zhu Mei Chan." spoke the pope.

" Ye-Yes sir?"

"Silence." The pope had made up his mind and nothing they said now would change it. Allen would be put through hell for all they knew.


After the order had been given to them by the pope Lvellie began barking orders to the CROWS that where assigned to interrogate Walker. "If Walker remains silent you are permitted to use physical means upon him, he is no longer protected by his precious friends he has nothing to hide behind and now he'll pay for everything he's done hmph maybe they'll even use him as a guinea pig to make a stronger weapon, he'd still be useless to us." Oh, how Lvellie was enjoying this. For once he will be able to remove that strong pride Walker held, such a vile creature he was, thinking that he can rebel against his orders. Link felt the weight once again on his shoulders, he was not expecting the pope to jump to such conclusions he knew what Lvellie was planning on doing but unfortunately, he had no say in the matter all he will be able to do is stand and watch as things unfolded themselves on their own.

He began walking towards Allen's cell knowing full well of what to expect this time during the interrogation. He waited while the guards opened the cell door allowing them to walk in. Lvellie was first in, followed by two CROWS and Link behind them. The cell was small but large enough to hold the enlarged golem, it only held a small bed in the right side all the way in the corner, a small coffee table at the foot of the bed and a single chair, the room was miserable on its own and the talismans in every corner of the room, along with chains didn't help. He couldn't imagine what the poor soul had to be feeling trapped here. The only actual occupant aside from Timcanpy that had to stay in this room was Allen and he was already showing the effect of having to stay here.

His white hair disheveled a bandage wrapped around his forehead and on the crown of his head, silver eyes that always seemed to have hope and compassion for all who came across them whether friend or foe, now dull and unfocused there were dark bags under his eyes, his pale skin seemed almost ghostly now. There were bandages on his right arm and shoulder and his left arm was being contained in a cast of talismans the only thing visible of his arm were his red fingers. His left arm was looped across his neck and his hand rested on his right shoulder. It couldn't be seen but they all knew it was there the stab wound cause by Kanda Yu during their battle at the north American branch they were given orders to leave the wound as it was wanting to see if maybe the pain of an untreated wound would make him speak. His wrist and ankles chained the cuffs being too tight cutting and scratching his skin making hideous bruises in their wake not allow much movement he was leaning against the wall not bothered by their entrance. "Well Walker it seems as though your luck has begun to run out. I'm sure your aware of the meeting we had with the higher-ups and the Pope? " Lvellie smirked as he knew the news would at least spark fear into the atrocious beast in front of him. "We have been given orders to use any means necessary to make you spill the location of the 3rd and 2nd exorcists as well as Alma karma. If you do not speak we will have to use brute force on you. Do you understand Walker?"

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