♈️Chapter 6🎲

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Chapter 6

Note: 'Cocoa Puffs '- someone thinking
'Mitarashi Dangos' - Neah talking
"Skittles"-Allen talking to Neah
For all chapters

Nine: Disclaimer H. P and D.GM belong to their rightful owner


3rd P.O. V

" Well Mr. Walker I suggest you stay in bed rest for at least 2-3 weeks. Your bandages should be changed every day, do not get your cast wet, and after baths apply the salve to your wounds. I will check up on your progress every week. When in pain tell Mother, she'll give you a pill for relief. Drink them if you have eaten, and don't take two at a time. Taking two will cause you to be nauseous and have lack of focus. Eating at an excessive pace will give you an upset stomach. Try not to eat food with too much sodium keep it light such a soups or pain rice don't eat foods with too many condiments if not you'll just end up throwing it all up. Also, drink lots of water. A young man, such as yourself, shouldn't be in such bad conditions. If you feel any worse call me, alright?"

     Extending his hand to Allen, giving a soft aged smile along with it. Allen gave a polite smile back, taking the doctors hand and shaking it.
"Thank you Dr. Carter I'll be sure to call if anything happens."
Dr. Carter stood up slowly from his seat and packed up the last of his supplies, "Well Mr. Walker I will see you soon. I hope you have a pleasant week, farewell" "Like wise to you too Doctor." Mother walked in to say fair well to the towns doctor and escort him out. When she came back she was holding a letter in her hands, walking to the seat next to the bed.
"Well looks like your stuck here at least that gives you enough time to study the basics." Mother handed Allen the letter.
"Study?... Study for what exactly mother?" Allen gave mother a confused look and turn his gaze to the letter in his hand. Opening it, the letter was fairly normal at first glance taking a closer look he saw an emblem at the bottom of the page he read the content of the letter with a bit of confusion and curiosity.
It read : 
Dear Allen Walker,
I have received word that you wish to transfer into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry it would be a pleasure to have you attend as a fellow student I have been told of your current situation and have agreed to allow you shelter for as long as needed, but in return you are to follow all rules and are expected to attend classes and as such you will be starting school as of January 5th after Christmas vacation. I will be sending a list of materials you will be required to have. I will be sending an escort to pick you up at a Certain location and you will arrive at the school by port key I hope we can make a better arrangement when you arrive.

                                                                                         Albus Dumbledore

Allen furrowed his brows he remembered talking about this with mother during dinner, but he never expected the headmaster of the school to allow him access to stay there. He looks at mother with a questioning look. "Mother wha- ... how, wait...how did you get him to accept me to stay I'm not a witch or wizard I can't use magic. Does he know?" Allen asked mother. "Allen Stop asking stupid questions. Before that master of yours left he had made arrangements to have a special device created. He only told me that it was made to transfer the energy of innocence into powerful sources morphing it into anything you desire be so in other words you'll use that to make magic. I'll show you how to use it later but first you have to study all that you need."

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