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*6 years later*
(Elijah in media)
It's been 6 years since that day I thought I would die. I watched them violate the love of my life. I wished she would've handle that shit some other way but I couldn't be mad. After Chantelle saved my life I had to ask for her hand in marriage. She said yes and I was happy. It's been 6 years that we've been beautifully married and very happy. Elijah was now 9 and he was so happy I married his mom. Brea and Chantelle still co-parents and Brea is still with that girl. Brea got married after my little kidnapping happened. For her to love Chantelle so much she sure was doing everything so fast especially moving on. Chantelle told me to leave it alone so I did. I was married to her now and I'll be damned if I let anybody ruin what we got. We were planning another baby too so I knew I was going to be in for the long run. I still had my fashion/clothes business but right now I was producing a lot more. I had all the hot artists coming to me and I was getting their name out their like hot cakes. Matter of fact I was meeting with my new female r&b artist and I couldn't wait. Since it was still early I was gonna cook breakfast for my 2 favorite people. About 30 minutes later Elijah came downstairs rubbing his belly. "Aye Zae is the food ready yet", he asked. "Yeah so go wipe them boogers out your eye", I said while laughing. He stuck out his tongue and went into the bathroom and washed his face. That boy was something else I swear. I was smiling at my life and than my wife came down the stairs. I fixed both of their plates and set them on the table. We all set at the table and said our grace before we ate. Elijah ate his food fast guess he was hungry, than he went to go get dressed. I kissed Chantelle on the cheek before I sipped my coffee. "Morning baby", she said. "Good morning beautiful", I said and smiled. "Stop making me blush damn it", she said. "You are beautiful though baby and I'm glad you're my wife", I said. "I know and you better be glad or I'll fuck you up", she said. "Please do fuck me up", I said nastily. She rolled her eyes and walked away slowly making her ass bounce. Ugh such a fucking tease I swear.

6 years of marriage and the love is still strong for Zae. We work through all our problems together. We're never against each other because we don't want a failing marriage. I'm in love with my baby and I thank God for letting her still be here to this day. I saved her life because I couldn't live my life without her here. After that ordeal was over me and Zae started fresh and put everything behind us. That's crazy how life works itself out. I was with a person who I was a side chick to and now I'm her wife. I know it sounds crazy and you might say I'm stupid but I'm not. A lot of you motherfuckers are letting your lover cheat, beat, and steal from you. Don't be quick to judge someone because they went back to the same person. Zae wasn't the same person she really did change I could see it in her actions and her eyes. I knew that she would be committed to me and only me when she married me. I will kill her if she wanted to do other things, but Zae knew better. I really didn't have time for any more broken promises. I didn't have time for another broken heart. I didn't have time to start over and try to love someone new. I wanted to love Zae forever until death do us part. I couldn't wait until we planned this second baby. Elijah had been begging for a brother or a sister and I was gonna give him a sibling. He was the only child right now and very spoiled. Zae had him in basketball and Brea had him in football. He loved sports and we made sure to make every game. Brea and I were doing good co-parenting even with her being married too. Her wife is nice and very pretty. Zae says there something up with her, I don't know though. Zae seems to be right about a lot of stuff lately so I was making sure I was cautious of any moves Brea's wife made. Elijah never complained about her so I didn't worry. My life was looking up for me after all and I was happy with the results that came with it. I hope we could stay like this forever.

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