Lillie Kahele Pt. 1

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Serena's POV :
This is the day...

The day that I will eliminate one of them... My rivals...

I grab my phone and start texting Shauna-San.

Me: Hey
Shauna: Need information?
Me: Yes. Could you send me a routine for Lillie Kahele?
Shauna: Ash's friend/Tsundere?
Me: Yep
Shauna: K

Now I know where she is...

At the start of the school day I decided to compliment her. "Hey Lillie. I just want to say that you look pretty today!" I said. "Thanks!" Lillie replied. "Well, I've been seeing this lately, but, is something bothering you? I can help you ya' know!" I asked.

"Um.. Well, there's one thing I need help with. It's my cat charm. I left it in the hedge maze. But I don't want to go in there again! I'm scared that I will be stuck in there for hours! I know this is risky to ask, but, can you get my cat charm for me?" Lillie asked. "Of course!" I replied happily. "By the way, this is what it looks like." Lillie said as she handed out a picture of her cat charm.

"You have nothing to worry!" I winked. "Thanks! You're more brave than I am." Lillie thanked.

~sometime later~

"Found it!" I said to myself as I picked up the cat charm. I ran to class. I hope I am not late to class. I looked at the time, 8:15. I'm late.

"Please go to class on time." The teacher warned. "Sorry miss." I apoligized.


I walked up to Lillie. "Here you go Lillie." I said as I handed her cat charm. "Thanks alot! And also, sorry for making you late to class..." Lillie replied. "No worries!" I said.

As I was getting lunch in the cafeteria, I saw this green haired girl looking at her phone nonstop. "Uhh, shouldn't you be ea-" "What? People keeps on sending YandereDev annoying emails? I should save him!" She interruped. "Uhh..."

(This is the song that she sang 'saving' YandereDev. By 'she' I mean Midori Gurinuuuu!! A. K. A MOM0KI. Plz watch it...)

I guess her name is Midori? I should leave her alone.

There is one thing that caught my interest...

"Uhh, here!" Lillie said.

"What's this?" Ash asked.

"Its a bento stupid!"

"You made this, for me?"

"D-Don't get the wrong idea! I just made more than enough! Its not like I l-like you or anything! D-Dummy!"

"Really? Thanks alot!"

Lillie Kahele... I will get you....


The dialoge is from the game (Yandere Simulator) itself!

And I just wamt to add Midori Gurinuuuu to the story! Cause I love her so much!


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