Mallow Mao Pt. 2

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I just wanted to tell you that the chapter for Mallow is kinda short since I can't think of any storyline yet. But I hope you enjoy!

~KawaiiAmourShipper 💕


Serena's POV :
I am sitting in my room, reading some manga and some boring stuff..

Then an idea popped into my head. I can 'befriend' Mallow and ask her to hangout at a restaurant. Then kill her by poisoning!


"Heyy Mallow!" I said trying to sound sweet. "Oh hey Sere chan!" Mallow said. I cringed that she called me 'Sere Chan'. "Well, um.. Do you like to bake macaroons?" I asked. "Of course I do!" Mallow replied. "I really like to bake them too! But I kinda failed..." I lied. "It's okay Sere Chan! Meet me at the Cooking Club at 5:00!" Mallow said. I cringed AGAIN!


It's finally 5:00.

I walked to the Cooking Club as fast as I could so I can finally do my ultimate plan. "Good afternoon Sere sama!" Mallow greeted me. I cringed. Maybe this won't be as easy as I thought it would.


"And ta da! The macaroons are all done!" Mallow said. "Hmm, there are alot of them." I said. "Ah.. Maybe I can give some of them to Ash.." Mallow muttered but it is audible enough for me to hear it. I gritted my teeth. "Huh? Serena, what's wrong?" Mallow asked all innocent like. "Oh.. What about we give it to the teachers? Or the principal? Or the Guidance Counselor?" I suggested.

"That would be a great idea!" Mallow replied. "So, how about we go have dinner at a restaurant?" I asked. "Of course Sere chan!" Mallow replied.


"Wow! This restaurant looks totally awesome!"Mallow said. I grinned, but not a normal grin, an evil one.

"How about we go inside?" I said. "Duh! We have to." Mallow replied.

We went into the restaurant and the waitress handed us the menu. "So, what would you like?" The waitress asked. "I would like fish and chips." I said. "And I want a ground beef steak." Mallow said.

When the waitress walked away I stood up. "I have to go to the bathroom." I said. "Ok." Mallow smiled.

I quietly sneak into the kitchen. When nobody's looking, I pulled out the poison and pour it into the beef. Then I quickly snuck away.

"I'm back." I grinned, feeling satisfied of what I have done. "Your food is here aswell." Mallow pointed at my food. "Oh." I said. I sit down and starts to eat my meal. Then the waitress come and give Mallow her meal.

Mallow took a bite. I smirked. "It's del- Argh! What!" Mallow said as she holds her neck. I did not smile, instead I acted it all out. "Oh no! Mallow! What is going on?" I asked worriedly. "T-Ther- Poi-son..." Mallow cough and coughed until she fell onto the hard ground. "Mallow!! No!" I said.

"We must call the police and the ambulance!" The waiter nearby shouted.

"I-I think s-she's... Dead..." I squinted out fake tears.


The police started the investigation. "What did she eat?" the police asked me. "She eat ground beef.." I answered.


The police searched the beef and found the same chemical as what is inside Mallow. They said that she died of poison, which is correct. They did not suspect Serena at all since she doesn't have any conflict with Mallow, which is not true. But Serena decided to play with it.

The cooking club has been disbanded but with Aria being the vice club leader, she have decided that she will be the new club leader.

Serena, is feeling satisfied with her mission.

Now she just have to go to her next mission...

Miette Poffin...

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