Was i stupid or do i just have bad luck

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James POV

Fuck fuck fuck! I almost flipped the table

I grabbed my jacket and reached for the doorknob when Caitlyn came back in the room. "Where are you going baby?" she cooed and I almost puked. "One, never call me that again, Two I'm going to see the girl I really love that isn't a slut like you." Her eyes bugged out of her head and I smirked. I've been wanting to say that for a while now. "oh and btw, your sex wasn't that great either." And with that parting note I walked out the door.

The cool brisk when raged outside, an I shivered inside my coat. It reminded of the look in Shelby's eyes when se saw Caitlyn hug me. Full of hurt, betrayal, and broken trust. After what happened with her old best friends I promised I would never hurt her. Turns out I can't even keep the most important promise I ever made to her.

Then my phone rang.

I looked at the caller ID and saw Mayla's number. Probably Calling to chew me out for what happened with Shelby. I let it ring.

When it stopped the message sound binged and what I heard next I'll never forget.

"James. Shelby's in the hospital."

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