You look nervous ... Emily says while doing my hair
I haven't seen my dads side of the family in a while they know what happened I know I'm going to be getting stares ....
Hey remember Ayden you don't care what people think your dad is an asshole okay well he turned into one it wasn't your fault it's his okay ... she says and I nodded
I wonder if Kian is getting ready already ....
Jc says that Kian was doing his hair or whatever... she says
He respects me Emily I've been witha few guys and those few guys just waned sex he doesn't he told me we won't have sex until I'm his ....
You guys were making out like you have had sex before ... she says
We haven't ... I lied
Do you like him ... she says
He is an asshole but a sweet one but when he is with me I've never felt butterflies in my stomach ....
You do Ayden that's a sign if he makes you feel some type of way you obviously do ... she says
I told him we could be together but until I get better ....
Why don't you just be with him if you like him ... she says
I know I'm going to hurt him Emily you know I'm a huge fucking mess I always fuck everything up I don't want to lose someone like him he actually cares he let me stay in his house his dad doesn't look at me as some desperate girl Kian doesn't look at me like everyone else does ....
He sees you as Ayden the Ayden I love ... Emily says making me smile
Yeah that Ayden ....
Son make him wait too long then Ayden ... Emily says
I took a peek of Emily's dress she's definitely going to look hot ... Jc saysis she getting comfortable around you already ....
When we are alone yeah that's how I get to know her mom and when like Ayden is around she gets so shy ... Jc says
Have you had sex with her ....
we were about too but then she said she couldn't for some reason... he says
she's probably a virgin dude ....
I hope not .... he says
Why not dude it's better she hasn't slept around ....
Yeah well that's true but I don't want to hurt her .... he says
Why haven't you said that about the other girls virginity you took ....
They just waned to get laid by me okay I wasn't going to pass .... he says making me laugh
I guess ...
How about you I know Ayden lifes with you have you both you know had sex ... he says
Don't tell anyone okay not even Emily ....
Damn Kian already ... Jc says and began to laugh
It was one of those moments I guess where we were talking and ended up naked ....
How was it ... he says
Well you saw us in the pool right ....
Yeah your tongue was like down her throat .... he says